It seems that you are looking for a candid, street config.
Agree that the Z evf is maybe too much of an hassle to setup and belongs
To prod. (although it's 15 sex but not
Discreete). You mentioned the eyecup that fits the screen,
It could be a solution.
I personaly find that it ends to be weired because
It's in the axis of the body and no flexibility to
Change angles, unless the all lcd moves but they
Are fragile and nothing more annoying than
Thinking about not breaking a device.
In the end, the Zac evf would be the most
Efficient unless discretion is requiered.
And T, Thanks you took my previous post as it was,
Just a tease. I'm not thinking that you're an old snob,
Smoking cigars in a british view cameras club.
Nooo. That's more Keith !
You know me for awhile and that's why I allowed
Myself this post.
I know you shoot Red and cutting-edge gear too.
But through this teaser, I wanted to express an idea.
You pointed that you're a VF guy. You are not: you're an image
Maker. What you really expressed was your comfort zone.
But, sometimes, we manage to not repeat ourselves too much
And not reproducing the same image when we aren't
Anymore in our confort zone.
Just think of this alternative idea: why instead of trying
To get a config you think you want, for many good reasons
I'n sure, you just shoot with the CAM as it, with this
Uncomfortable lcd as it. But not 10 days thinking of what's
Missing. Maybe you'll end doing different images.