My experience is that customers overwhelmingly favor a coated canvas finish without acrylic cover.
My biggest piece finished with acrylic was 24x76 inches. The photo was printed on photo rag Baryta and looks fabulous, but by the time the acrylic was put in place the image lost some of its pop, compared to canvas. This was due to the combination of reflections plus the light drop off that takes place due to the acrylic. The end product would be improved by using reflection resistant glazing (a.k.a. museum grade glass), but not many want to pay the premium. I sure as heck won’t pay it.
As an aside, I’ve all but abandoned working with glass due to the fragile nature. I read some horror stories about artists being sued - and losing the suit - because of injury related to glass breakage.
As another aside, at my last show, I presented a few examples of coated canvas used with traditional double matts and no glazing. They were good sellers and I advised people that as long as the mats will not be touched, and if the works are in a place where there is little risk of receiving physical impact, they will look great for a long time.