I honestly think that the country would be no better or worse off with Romney as President.
I do not agree with this.
I feel that President Obama has failed to be an effective leader of Congress so far.
This is simply untrue. The Republican dominated house of representatives vowed to obstruct Mr. Obama at every opportunity, and they have. One can’t succeed at leading when the other party overtly conspires to attempt the president’s failure. It’s telling that this not only didn’t work out for them but lead to a huge embarrassment for the GOP at this election.
Despite the obstruction, Mr Obama had some extraordinary achievements in his first term. All by itself the affordable care act (aka Obama care) is an achievement that has eluded every other president. The fact that we did not drop into a Depression is itself another extraordinary achievement. There are many more examples.
I do not trust that Romney would have done better.
Romney's pandering to all sides of so many issues makes me think he would have done far, far worse. He lacks credibility.
I hope that President Obama can be a better kindergarten teacher the next for years and get the kindergarten kids (congress) to act nice and play (work) together like good boys and girls.
While I don’t understand the kindergarten reference, i join you in hoping that that the House majority will change their tactics. On the other hand, the design of the 2 party system serves to insure that gridlock takes place on the federal level, and in that regard, it is doing as intended. Unfortunately millions of Americans suffer for the arrogance and obstinance of the GOP. I'm certain far far more would suffer with a Republican president. After all, the last one was at the helm and lead the charge to the destruction the US and most of the global economy.