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Author Topic: P65+/H2 not showing up in camera control pane when tethered,but able 2 rem. fire  (Read 3415 times)


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So I was helping a friend out today with downloading C1 to his computer, so he can tether his P65+/H2 to his laptop. Well the back connects, but it doesn't show up in the camera control window. I set him up with 6.4.2, since that version many users have reputed to be the latest, but most stable version for tethering with a P65+.

Any ideas? Also, we can't seem to get the WB to change, when the back is tethered to the MBP or his iMac 27”, the files are importing under a ”C1”(that's what the back displays near the WB button), almost as if shooting under a tungsten WB.

Setting grey balance manually works, but its a drag, since it'd be nice to plug-n-play. And almost all of his shooting involves flash.

Help would be appreciated, he's got a shoot tomorrow I'm assisting/pseudo teching on, but I'm new to this stuff too. I'm just a little more ” technical” than he is ;)



Doug Peterson

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Camera Control is supported for all Phase One bodies, most Mamiya bodies, and most Canon and Nikon bodies.

It is not supported for Hassy H bodies. You will have to adjust shutter speed and aperture from the camera.
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