Really? I mean really? Term apologist comes to mind, not for the first time.
Well I'm not so arrogant or full of my own self-importance that I expect Canon to build me my own perfect camera, Ben - but I'm no brand apologist: just ask me what I think about Canon's implementation of Auto ISO. And I actually jumped brand
from Nikon
to Canon after the Nikon D200, so I simply don't do "fanboy". You
like bandying about the word "apologist" though, don't you?
So - aside from snide for snide's sake - what's your point, exactly? Do you have a point? Because there's a fundamental lack of "point" in your valued contribution... I make no apology for
liking my current Canon kit - it does what I need it to do, and you have to be a particular kind of tool not to be happy in that situation. Are you
seriously telling me that I'm supposed to get on board with the pathologically dissatisfied complainers just to keep in with The Cool Kids?
I'm just not inclined to let trivial shortfalls get in the way of me getting what I want out of my gear: others would rather whine than work around pissy little problems, but I'm not like that, and frankly, mine is an attitude others could learn from...