AvidVisionary was impolitic. For that, LuLa bullied him. It would have been nice if he cited the artists of those works, but it was not required by copyright law. He responded with inappropriate and awkward anger...
... my personal opinion of the compassion and fairness of the LuLa community has been sorely compromised.
Initially, I read that as "impolite" and thought "boy, that is one way to put it."
But then I noticed it is actually "impolitic," i.e., "unwise and not cautious." and again thought: note to myself... if I ever run a political campaign, I should surely approach Fike as my spin doctor, as you surely know a thing or two about euphemisms
(this is meant as a friendly teasing, and not in a mean way, btw)
Julie and Rob expressed a legitimate concern (about crediting the author). A concern that, though not legally based, is shared by a significant number of authors. Julie and Rob expressed their opinion, which then can be (and was) debated, both on the merits of the fair-use doctrine and HDR esthetics (which you and I did), and that is what forum discussions are all about. But bullied? No way. Before the two entered, there were several helpful and matter-of-fact posts. So I would dare to say that before the OP exploded in a vulgar and boorish, bar-fight style (which would be galaxies away from "inappropriate and awkward anger," as you described it), it was a pretty decent and fair and balanced (pros vs. cons) internet debate.
There was plenty of it for the guy before he exploded (or shall I say imploded?). But I lost any appetite for compassion after it. I've been personally called names numerous times on these forums, and I never reported anyone, as I believe in "sticks and stones...," and can take it as a man-thing. I have no problem engaging in a bar-fight style rhetoric (not actual, though) with boys. However, and call me old-fashioned if you will, I have a visceral reaction to engaging a lady in a bar-fight. Definitely no compassion after that.