I probably have as much color management junk around the house as most of us. In fact, the ICC just sent me an invoice for overdue membership fees
But there is a place for "real" color managed workflows eg in press and prepress, a different set of practices, I'd argue, in fine arts printing, and a place for color managed workflows for people with consumer printers and canned profiles. People who print in the privacy of their own home can run "closed loop" and predict their output, up to a point, even if their monitors are less than optimal. Thankfully, because these days quite a few monitors are less than optimal.
As for Schewe I think of him as a sympatico colleague. Hope he won't grumble that the house prices in this neighborhood are gonna fall thru the floor
Now, maybe we can back to our usual colorimeter vs spectrophotometer disputes, or have a beer or other accepted (legal) forms of recreational activity ...
Steady on Edmund.
Who are the rest of us.
If one is going attempt a proper colour-managed workflow one needs the proper tools.
If one has gone to the trouble of getting a good printer don't hobble it with a monitor that cannot contribute to getting a good print.
Even if one is using a third-party to print on one's behalf then softproofing is also crucial to getting a result that is not pure chance.
This is not a 'them' and 'us' type of issue - and Schewe is not 'them'.
Tony Jay