interesting how people can become so involved, emotional and controversial about a device to take photographs,,
in my past years as an astronomer one of the items that always made an evening of viewing with others so enjoyable was we never looked down or talked the negatives of others scopes,, if he paid a few hundred for his scope and was out enjoying the evening skies we were thrilled they were with us,, if he paid twenty thousand for his scope we were still happy to see the person,, everyone shared their scopes and helped those less knowledgeable find the the main objects in the sky for and evening of viewing,,
being the age of 72 I do recall back in the film days when there was that sort of camaraderie,, sure everyone had their favorite brand but we still extended a hand to help the other guy rather than trying to "prove" your point on why your gear is better than his or trash his gear with negative talk,,
has the internet become the tool which changed our ability to have a civil discussion as we no longer see that other person face to face and can turn it off and leave when we feel like it, seems so,, such a shame,,
I'm not a big contributor to LuLu but have always enjoyed the level and depth of the subjects,,