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Author Topic: Photoshop CS6 public beta  (Read 52698 times)


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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #20 on: March 23, 2012, 01:04:33 pm »

Adobe should offer customers who own Photoshop and Lightroom a special upgrade price. That would allow better integration between LR and PS for using Smart Objects or the Edit in Photoshop command. Otherwise, I suspect a lot of LR users will simply stick with the version of Photoshop they have until they must upgrade (like those on Mac who have to run Lion and have really old versions). It was smart of Adobe to lower the price of LR. Now they need to give LR users a bit better break on Photoshop as more and more LR users say they user Photoshop so little.
Author "Color Management for Photographers".

Slobodan Blagojevic

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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #21 on: March 23, 2012, 01:58:31 pm »

Interesting how little discussion there has been here and on most of the photo centric sites on Photoshop 6. It seems Lightroom gets 100X+ more attention these days and that makes sense. But I am surprised after watching Photoshop announcements for decades.

Maybe because it is as yawn-inducing as Canon's 5Dm3? ;)

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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #22 on: March 23, 2012, 02:00:52 pm »

Adobe should offer customers who own Photoshop and Lightroom a special upgrade price...

By the way, would it be possible to just upgrade ACR to 7 and keep CS5?


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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #23 on: March 23, 2012, 02:04:36 pm »

Have you tried it, Slobodan?  I've been on board since v2.5, and find this version pretty exciting.  The more I play with it, the more I find to like.  There seem to be little improvements scattered throughout. has a very good series of videos that are currently free.
Deke seems to be a little less cutesy than oftentimes is, and it's a very good introduction to the new features.
-Ron H.

Steve Weldon

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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #24 on: March 23, 2012, 02:08:24 pm »

Interesting how little discussion there has been here and on most of the photo centric sites on Photoshop 6. It seems Lightroom gets 100X+ more attention these days and that makes sense. But I am surprised after watching Photoshop announcements for decades.
I dunno..  I use both and can't see ever not using both.  But I look at CS6 as a finished product which I have a high level of confidence in.  No need to discuss such a refined product.   Lightroom on the other hand has miles to go to reach this state.  And it's still forming into what will be it's final or more accurately stable incarnation.  So with LR there's more to discuss.


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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #25 on: March 23, 2012, 02:45:07 pm »

I dunno..  I use both and can't see ever not using both.  

Me either! But that wasn’t my point. The question is, will most LR users upgrade? I’m hearing from a lot of hard core LR users still on CS3. For them it would be a great idea to upgrade for what I consider the one must have feature they are missing: Content Aware technology. Unless you don’t do much clone work (something I depend on Photoshop for), that is a major reason to have a modern copy of Photoshop. Or for Mac users who can’t run a non Intel version.

What do hard core LR users want to complement LR in terms of a Photoshop upgrade? You only need one or two must have features. For example, can you image if you could load an image, and an associated DNG profile and use Photoshop as a profile editor? The current DNG profile editor is OK but imagine having all the tools within Photoshop to tweak color and tone. I think a lot of LR users would upgrade just for that feature. Allow us to edit ICC profiles too. Been asking for that for at least a decade. I bet Adobe could get the Kodak Custom Color ICC technology for pennies on the dollar.

Give me a curve dialog to affect saturation so I can desatruate shadows. Or more than four sampler point (ACR has twice that). Let me read out more than just two color models at a time. Improve soft proofing for CMYK. Those are just a few features that I think would make the next Photoshop a compelling upgrade for hard core LR users.

What else?
« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 02:46:40 pm by digitaldog »
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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2012, 02:45:45 pm »

By the way, would it be possible to just upgrade ACR to 7 and keep CS5?

Author "Color Management for Photographers".

Steve Weldon

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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2012, 03:16:31 pm »

Me either! But that wasn’t my point. The question is, will most LR users upgrade? I’m hearing from a lot of hard core LR users still on CS3. For them it would be a great idea to upgrade for what I consider the one must have feature they are missing: Content Aware technology. Unless you don’t do much clone work (something I depend on Photoshop for), that is a major reason to have a modern copy of Photoshop. Or for Mac users who can’t run a non Intel version.

What do hard core LR users want to complement LR in terms of a Photoshop upgrade? You only need one or two must have features. For example, can you image if you could load an image, and an associated DNG profile and use Photoshop as a profile editor? The current DNG profile editor is OK but imagine having all the tools within Photoshop to tweak color and tone. I think a lot of LR users would upgrade just for that feature. Allow us to edit ICC profiles too. Been asking for that for at least a decade. I bet Adobe could get the Kodak Custom Color ICC technology for pennies on the dollar.

Give me a curve dialog to affect saturation so I can desatruate shadows. Or more than four sampler point (ACR has twice that). Let me read out more than just two color models at a time. Improve soft proofing for CMYK. Those are just a few features that I think would make the next Photoshop a compelling upgrade for hard core LR users.

What else?
a.  Content Aware is the reason I've been upgrading.  And from a business standpoint they'll get a lot of mileage out of Content Aware as they roll out each new version.    My subjects invariably have tons of urban blight that needs removing.  Beautiful temples surrounded by hundreds of power lines, garbage, and the more than occasional drunk tourist..  It takes a while, but the final product is worth it.

b.  Absolutely.  Sometimes I think software developers think keeping certain areas "magic" somehow benefits them.

c.  I thought I was the only one who wanted that.  And make it gradient capable where you can tie the gradient to levels re: saturation.

d.  Why can't "save as" remember where it saved the last time?  Sometimes I import back to LR, other times I want a separate copy somewhere else.  Sometimes I do that more than once.    Bigger fonts in the menus?  With modern monitors (and the older I get) this is more important than ever.   How about intelligent multiple monitor support?  Maximizing across 2-3-4 monitors at the least?  And last but not least.. why why why can't we reverse our history brush to fix areas we flubbed?   More flexible hardware support to keep up with modern hardware?  Maybe include a performance benchmark so we can see how our hardware selections/setup affects the overall picture?  And why is the price for a new copy still so 1990's?  Are we forever going to be expected to make up for the third world pirates..


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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2012, 07:00:24 pm » has a very good series of videos that are currently free.

A good tour of the new features, including the remaining quirks.

Nothing much for photographers.   Mainly some refinements / random interface changes, depending on your point of view.

bill t.

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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2012, 07:23:28 pm »

Lotsa nice little touches in CS6.  For instance, click on a mask symbol in the layers stack and you have non-destructive, fully reversible feathering instantly available.  For me, that's worth the upgrade.  Looks like the biggest feature in 6 is just that it that adds a lot of convenience stuff.

Now if right-clicking in dialogues like Selective Color and Hue Saturation would simply zero out a slider, I would be completely happy.  Except for maybe also having the Arrow drag around an unobtrusive display of the RGB values of whatever pixel it was pointing at.
And LR still doesn't do panos.


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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2012, 07:47:30 pm »

After just an hour of playing with some old problem images, I'm sold. The engineers have performed more magic in the depths of the code. The ability to open some nasty shadows without obvious side-effects is one of those apparent refinements that could make the upgrade worthwhile all by itself (presumably the same capability exists in LR4 -- just haven't opened these same test cases in the new Lightroom yet). The fixes for panos demo'd in the videos sound like another winner.




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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #31 on: March 23, 2012, 08:48:57 pm »

I've never regretted upgrading Photoshop. I've always found the new version to quickly become indispensable.


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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #32 on: March 23, 2012, 10:00:54 pm »

The breadth of the things that have been tweaked, upgraded, enhanced, revised and added is really significant.  Even under the hood type things like 64-bit for Bridge, which don't appear like much on the surface, are substantial code changes and pave the way for future enhancements.
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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #33 on: March 24, 2012, 12:07:21 pm »

After playing with it for an hour, I'm very impressed especially  with ACR and Bridge.  I never have learned LR, since until last year I was working from film scans mostly and saw no real advantage over PS with TIFF files, this lowers my motivation to learn LR even more.


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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #34 on: March 24, 2012, 03:57:46 pm »

As I work with huge files I need fast performance. Saving on the background is a nice future within new Photoshop.

I prefer manual work over automatic tools so I will stay with Photoshop & ACR. I tried new Lightroom Beta version but I didn't enjoy working with this software. I just used same tools like in ACR and didn't touch the rest.

Regards, Filip


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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #35 on: March 25, 2012, 08:09:47 am »

Anyone having problems with the crop tool?

With CS 5 and all older versions pressing enter finished the crop and removed the tool from the image.  I can't make that work in the beta.
Craig Lamson Photo


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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #36 on: March 25, 2012, 10:52:49 am »

Anyone having problems with the crop tool?

With CS 5 and all older versions pressing enter finished the crop and removed the tool from the image.  I can't make that work in the beta.

I think this video will explain the advantage of the new non-destructive crop tool and why the tool remains.


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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #37 on: March 25, 2012, 08:14:03 pm »

I think this video will explain the advantage of the new non-destructive crop tool and why the tool remains.


Can it be turned off?  I'll take  the old method.
Craig Lamson Photo


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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #38 on: March 26, 2012, 12:24:31 am »

Pathing (pen tool) is still very difficult against grays. When will be able to change the path color on the fly?

Changing a layer's name is still such a chore, especially with a stylus, where double clicking with exactitude is challenging. How about anywhere above or below the name opens activates it rather than calling up layer styles, which can continue to reside to the right of the name or at the bottom of the layers pallet?

tom b

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Re: Photoshop CS6 public beta
« Reply #39 on: March 26, 2012, 01:05:25 am »

Pathing (pen tool) is still very difficult against grays. When will be able to change the path color on the fly?

Changing a layer's name is still such a chore, especially with a stylus, where double clicking with exactitude is challenging. How about anywhere above or below the name opens activates it rather than calling up layer styles, which can continue to reside to the right of the name or at the bottom of the layers pallet?

Option/alt plus double clicking on the layer thumbnail will let you change the layer name.

For the pen tool just duplicate the layer and change its tonality so that you can see what is happening then delete the duplicate layer.

Tom Brown
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