An even deeper look at the question you raise Andrew is to see that what you essentially propose is that for my (or anyone else's) review to be fair I need to look at this every possible combination of a camera's ISO settings put through every possible permutation of raw processing (Lightroom v4 /ACR 7; Capture One, Capture One pro, DPP, etc.) , sharpening, and noise reduction software. And maybe we should throw interpolation software in there as well. I have no
No, that would be a more superficial look. Andrew's question is fairly simple to answer once you have the camera in hand (for example with the IRIS freeware). If you can't use IRIS (for example because you have no adequate RAW decoder at this point) changing a slider on a relatively under-exposed image is just a shortcut, an approximation. There's no need to test dozens of approximations. One will probably be enough to get a good idea.
And remember that the interesting camera reviews are the ones that go a bit further than the standard ones. We all know that there will be hundreds of reviews of that camera, most of them written in the very same mold that was used for the D30.
No need to let this discussion evolve into ad-hominems.