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Author Topic: Lightroom 4 vs. PS6  (Read 40513 times)


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Re: Lightroom 4 vs. PS6
« Reply #60 on: March 25, 2012, 04:55:59 am »

Vague assertions like this isn't helpful to Adobe
Which why I've posted far more details in the appropriate places locally at
hence some members are wondering about your motives
?? 'some members' ? what are you on about ?
The only motivation I have is pushing to get LR4 as good as it should be. I'm a paying customer and have been for many years. I've spent thousands on Adobe products and many others have purchased Adobe software on my recommendation. Elsewhere I've been accused of being an Adobe 'fan boy' for my enthusiasm for LR, but I don't like the way some of the Adobe team try hard to down play problems other parts of Adobe admit is a problem.
At the risk of being personal, the way in which you and others - including myself - know how to use the product. I am still learning it so I am not qualified to throw out assertions will nilly.
I know LR & PS pretty well having used PS since version 3 and LR since the original first public beta. I'd fail an exam on every obscure bit of functionality only accessible via keyboard shorts cuts, but other than that I'm well past the beginner category in digital imaging.

Now stamper, if you have anything relevant or constructive to add here, please get on with.


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Re: Lightroom 4 vs. PS6
« Reply #61 on: March 25, 2012, 05:27:51 am »

Now stamper, if you have anything relevant or constructive to add here, please get on with.

Likewise. :)
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