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Author Topic: Adobe relents?...  (Read 8866 times)


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Re: Adobe relents?...
« Reply #20 on: January 17, 2012, 01:10:51 pm »

I have now played with LR4 and especially on some pictures that I had trouble with in LR3. That is often pictures with mixed light and extreme DR (still from one RAW file). I used for a long time a sort of tone mapping in LR3 using recovery and fill light and compensated with the tone curve and brightness. And leveling out the extremes of light using graduated filters (sometimes a number of them) and brushes. Sometimes I got results that pleased me and sometimes I resorted to Photoshop to finish it up. I have now gone through several of the pictures in LR4 and I must say such an approach works a LOT better. Especially the shadows slider works really well and with much less side effects than fill light. What I also really like is the ability to brush in white balance like a higher white balance value in shadow areas (and btw. noise reduction selectively). WOW, I'm impressed!

After reading what you wrote above, I decided to download LR4Beta and give it a try ...

... yes, it is vastly superior to LR3 when it comes to dealing with shadows and highlights in images with large DR.


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Re: Adobe relents?...
« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2012, 09:08:13 am »

I can understand both sides of the argument.

I did jump at least one version in the past, keeping my upgrade budget low and have more investment in hardware.

However I can see that it is ridiculous that I can buy a new very old stock clearance PS 6.0 version for 10$ and then expect to upgrade to CS6.

I think if Adobe fully implements its intended policy they will loose customers and revenue instead of gaining revenue. A policy that allows updates for the last two versions would probably be a fair compromise. 
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