Obviously.., the difference of my comment is that it was a quote on art appreciation from a public that doesn't necessarily consider themselves as artists, nor think of art as important. This is only one part of art crisis, the other being the quality of art that is produced today, but again I don't think that the later can be a discussion through web, ...it does need eye crossing, tobacco and filled glasses between people. Regards, Theodoros. www.fotometria.gr
Yes, but discussing art with too much booze around can be as sterile as the art itself might be.
Such chat is, however, entertaining, and as seems obvious from here on the Internet, everyone is perfectly capable of being his own expert, including myself.
I'm repeatedly struck by the virtually absolute absence of ladies in these discussions; that's a real pity because they do have a very interesting set of alternative views to offer, could they but be bothered. Let's face it: women have a far better colour sense, can do interiors better than most guys I know, and find matching clothes etc. a piece of cake (well, many do if not all).
How sad to lose their contributions here.
Rob C