In retrospect, what I dislike about Michael saying that he likes the output from the NEX-7 over the M9 is that he doesn't articulate which particular sections of the photo he believes represent that.
In many ways, the "hand waving" about the NEX-7 being better than the M9 reminds me of reviews written for audio equipment. People say "the <newer and often more expensive thing> is warmer, more open", etc. After you've read one or two reviews like that, you quickly learn to dismiss such reviews - if you want to know how a pair of speakers sound, the only way is to know is to find a shop that can plug them in for you and sit down to listen. Rinse and repeat with audio equipment. With digital cameras, we're in the fortunate position where the reviewer is able to share the material for review with us. If you read the reviews of websites such as dpreview, when they compare images from specific cameras, they will mention what part of the image they believe highlights X as being better or worse than Y. I can completely understand that he doesn't want to turn LuLa into dpreview, but if someone is going to say image X is better than image Y and show crops from both images, then it is to everyone's benefit if examples are given about why X is better than Y from the material that is presented. Otherwise, the images may as well have not been posted - unless the objective is just to generate discussion.
In short a key part of what I think is missing from the review is the ability to understand Michael's conclusion through specific examples in the crops that he believes represents his findings.
Way back when, I seem to recall that mention was made of how well camera X rendered some remote building Y. If you search back 5 or 6 years, you'll find the reviews that I'm referring to. When discussion is at that level of detail, it is much easier (as a reader) to come to the same conclusion - or at least understand - the points the review(er) is making about image quality. When all that is presented is hand waving, you're left feeling as if the reviewer is not being genuine with their comparison and is just leading us on to some conclusion based on relative new-ness and cool-ness rather than specific qualities.