Hello Michael,
I’ve been shooting for many years, so it’s been mostly film. Sadly, I cannot afford an M9, however, as more appear on the used market, chances are that I will have one sooner or later. I typically stay off the forums, however I do enjoy your site, and would like to contribute to this discussion.
To answer your question, yes, I do like shooting with a rangefinder, or perhaps even a small size camera for that matter, as most of my photography requires that I am quick and unobtrusive, and a small camera lends itself to that. It is certainly possible to shoot that way with a larger and noisier camera, the small camera just makes it easier (“chapeau” to the photographers who use larger cameras).
My goal is to find a smallish digital camera that will let me work as quickly and confidently as the rangefinders. I haven’t tried the Nex-7 in any real situation, and the X-pro1 apparently has slowish auto-focus (I only had a chance to play with it at the Fuji event in Toronto, so I don’t know about that).
One can be blazing fast with rangefinders – I only know the Leica Ms, but I’m sure the Zeiss are just as quick. With the simple Leicas, I can be fast, rarely miss a shot, and can’t think of 10 shots I’ve missed in 30 years due to focus. I've missed way more shots because I've not been prepared (the 8th deadly sin, I believe). Regarding lenses – they’re lovely! I really only go between my 50, 2 Summicron, 35, 2.8 Summaron (both probably from the 60’s) and occasionally the 28, 2.8 Rokkor. I guess I could really use the tri-elmar.
In the interest of keeping this response short-ish, I'll keep it at that.