Yes I saw that and responded to it:
"Reality" is perceived by different people in different ways depending on, amongst other things, at which end of the spectrum they happen to sit, what their interests are, and how these matters affect them personally. While some peoples' reality is other peoples' snark, we'll see over time which perspective prevails. And if there is really critical misinformation out here, maybe the company needs to do more to correct that. Over the years of corporate history, the demise of bigger fish than XRite started when they just couldn't truly and seriously see beyond themselves and their self-perceived immediate interests.
In the final analysis, my perceptions don't matter. What matters is the judgment of the market in which I am only one in a cast of many thousands. But that cast and other developers around the world will decide the future of colour management alternatives. Time and the market will tell how XRite fares. Of course it's a complex reality - they've made a spectrum of stuff from lower quality to very high quality, and we all know that every product embodies compromises. However, the issues at stake here go beyond that. I'll leave it at that.