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Author Topic: Profile mismatch in Flexcolor?  (Read 28433 times)


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Re: Profile mismatch in Flexcolor?
« Reply #60 on: January 10, 2012, 04:10:49 am »

I should also add that this problem was not evident many years back when we had just purchased the scanners. It is a problem that appears to have developed over time.
In case anyone suggests we have tried changing bulbs but with no difference.


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Re: Profile mismatch in Flexcolor?
« Reply #61 on: February 02, 2012, 07:42:22 am »

I reviewed all the posts just recently and I decided to investigate the possibility of problems with display icc profiles.
I have now used a MAC (I usually work with PC) to scan a negative direct to tiff file, and viewing the image on a completely different screen, a LaCie screen (I usually work with an EIZO screen)
The scan direct to tiff is again consistently warmer than the preview in Flexcolor.
While the scan as 3f and convert to tiff from 3f in Flexcolor, is almost identical to the preview in Flexcolor.

Again I have to say, there must be an answer to this problem.
Everyone has been very helpful in suggesting possible solutions but none so far have cured the problem.
There must be an answer.

Anyone got any more suggestions?


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Re: Profile mismatch in Flexcolor?
« Reply #62 on: February 15, 2012, 05:11:41 am »

I am now clutching at straws with this!
I thought that the GPU enhancement (enable open GL drawing) within Photoshop may be the cause of the difference in colour.
I opened a file scanned by the Flextight scanner, in Photoshop with the GPU enhancement switched off and then switched on.

Unfortunately there is no difference in the colour.

This appears to be a similar problem to what is being discussed in this thread (although with a different programme)..

I have to admit that just like "ippolitois" I am not smart enough to figure this out, so any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Profile mismatch in Flexcolor?
« Reply #63 on: June 15, 2012, 03:49:48 am »

We have just had a visit from an extremely helpful Hasselblad engineer. He was kind enough to pop in to see us because he was up in our area.

It appears that the colour shift that we have been experiencing is because we are looking at a low-resolution preview that cannot accurately display the colours. If we do a higher resolution preview by using the detail window then the true colours are displayed. The resultant scan will then match the image in the detail window rather than in the low res. preview window. This colour shift appears much more prominent on negatives with a very narrow colour bandwidth. Negatives with a greater bandwidth do not exhibit the same degree of shift from low res. preview to resultant scan.

Of course this means making two previews for every resultant scan (as the detail window requires that part of the neg. to be scanned at high res.).

Great emphasis was made on the benefits of scanning direct to 3f format and making corrections later, as this requires only one scan, which could be quicker.This is something that we will investigate soon to see if the 3f workflow would be a much easier and quicker way to scan negatives.

After struggling with this for nearly 2 years I can only thank the engineer very much for taking the time to come and see the problem at first hand and showing us why the problem is occurring.


Mark Paulson

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Re: Profile mismatch in Flexcolor?
« Reply #64 on: June 15, 2012, 07:51:12 pm »

Search for U-tube videos by Ian Scovell (ianscovell001). The videos you are looking for are called profiling an Imacon Scanner and consists of three parts. Very informative. Basically he turns every thing off in Flexcolor and scans to 3f. He then created a tiff from the 3f and opens it in PS where he applies his custom scanner profile.

Good luck
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