I was one of the earlier detractors of this camera and for the sole reason of its fixed prime. I've been looking for a small camera to carry to gatherings, on trips or for just plain joy of photography. My 5D2 with any lens is just too much of anything to be fun for these purposes.
So, I've been learning about the Canon 600D, S95, G12, Olympus Epl-1 and 2, EXZ1, Leica X1, the Panasonics, etc., etc.
So far no camera has everything I want. Portability but with human scale controls, great IQ, good hi-iso capabilities, price and multi focals.
Out of these 5 requirements, the only I can give up is having multi focal lengths, and the main reason is that I can sort of provide that with my feet. I know is cliché but in many instances walking is a good provision. For the others, none of them I can create.
In my earlier days as a photographer, before I went pro, I had a Nikon F2 with only one lens, a 24mm. It was so easy to carry all the time. With the years I acquired a whole bunch of equipment. "If I bought this new lens I should pack it too. If not, why in the hell I bought it?" Well, that was my own trap. My joy became pain and eventually I quit photographing for myself. This story of course is not as absolute as it sounds. It's to make a point.
So far in my quest for the best "non-work" camera the X100 is on top of my list. Funny enough, this camera is more "pro" than most digital cameras in existence.

If nothing better shows up soon, I'll be a first-time Fuji owner.