Right, and you can select the blue primary independently from the red. When you do that you create a new colorspace.
No new color space at all. Repeat: no new color space at all. Just a new co-ordinate system in the same space. I don't think you have looked at my diagram where I show Adobe RGB and ProPhoto RGB primaries. There are two cooridanate systems shown there, viz., Adobe and Prophoto, but t
he space is the same.
If they are two different coordinate systems, they are two different color spaces.
Again you are repeating what I just answered above.
Color space is the same. There are more than one coordinates systems in the same space. Oh come on, in computer graphics they do it all of time with rotation of the axis. Does that give a different space. Not at all. Just a different frame of reference for coordinate system. If you don't understand this fundamental fact then you are not following the inherent principles of colorimetry.
Another thing, in all this discussion we have not seen a transformation matrix from joofaSpace to XYZ. The matrix you would like to use—the D50 matrix we've been using above, does not actually share the primaries from AdobeRGB. You can very easily calculate the chromaticity coordinate of the primaries from the matrix. If you do this for the AdobeRGB D65 matrix you get these coordinates (exactly what they should be):
Red: 0.6400 0.3300
Green: 0.2100 0.7100
Blue: 0.1500 0.0600
If you do it for the D50 matrix you get:
Red: 0.6484 0.3309
Green: 0.2301 0.7016
Blue: 0.1559 0.0660
They're significantly different. So if your goal is to use a transformation matrix with the same primaries as AdobeRGB but with a different white point, you're using the wrong one. Like I posted above, that isn't what that matrix does.
Remember, didn't I inform you that you are using an approximate matrix for transformation in an Adobe RGB (D50), because you multiplied a Adobe RGB (D65) matrix with Bradform transform, which is not exact. You can calculate the exact matrix directly. I will give you the coordinates of the blue primary in Adobe RGB (D50), and they are [0.137826 0.055130 0.725885] (compare to yours of [0.14922403 0.06321976 0.74483862]), where as the coordinates of the Adobe RGB (D65) blue primary are [0.188185 0.075274 0.991108]. And see below:
x,y chromacity coordinates for Adobe RGB (D65) blue primary
[0.188185 0.075274 0.991108]/sum([[0.188185 0.075274 0.991108]] =
[0.150000 0.060000 0.790000]x,y chromacity coordinates for Adobe RGB (D50) blue primary
[0.137826 0.055130 0.725885]/sum([0.137826 0.055130 0.725885]) =
[0.150000 0.059999 0.790001]They look the same to me!
Just don't call it AdobeRGB 1998.
I don't think that you are reading carefully. I have tried not to use the words "Adobe RGB" alone. I have always tried to use with a white point, say "Adobe RGB (D65)" or "Adobe RGB (D50)" to emphasize that both use the same primaries but the white points are different. I hope you understand it now. Incidently, Adobe RGB (D65) is the standardized notion, but it is no different in conception than Adobe RGB (D50).