Same photographer who can successfully use a traditional (legacy, as some try to put it) darkroom, who understands grades, compression, sensitometry lacks those convenient and proven tools assuring a systematic approach in a digital darkroom. Have you ever compared a characteristic curve of photopaper and, say, inkjet paper? Does any profiling tool really takes care of the issue? Why it is so difficult to realise users have certain expectations that need to be met? Why the regress?
In regards to the first example you suggested - I'm afraid I do not know what level move you mean, but in photography tonal compression starts with contrast, or grade. Based on the particular neg density range that constitutes the scene to be printed and midtone placement we decide on the paper grade and exposure. It is a standard recipe.
Same for the second example - knowing paper characteristic curve and density range / midtone placement on the negative all things are banal.
We had a system that was developed for perception. Now the system is broken.