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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« on: July 19, 2010, 07:51:19 am »

Hey everyone,

As I get closer to saving for my much wanted Canon 5DMk2 upgrade ( I currently shoot with a Canon 40D ), I wonder... is the 5DMk2 already past it's optimum buying time? It would be horrible to buy a Mk2 just as a new Mk3 is announced. Or announced a few weeks later on.

So, when do you think a Mk3 will come out? If it will come out. I know gossips are starting to spring here and there, but they have for the past year or so, but anything solid? If you were to take US$4000 of your savings ( how much the 5DMk2 costs in Brazil ) would you buy now, or wait?

Thank you so much for your input and help,



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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2010, 08:49:35 am »

Quote from: JessicaLuchesi
Hey everyone,

As I get closer to saving for my much wanted Canon 5DMk2 upgrade ( I currently shoot with a Canon 40D ), I wonder... is the 5DMk2 already past it's optimum buying time? It would be horrible to buy a Mk2 just as a new Mk3 is announced. Or announced a few weeks later on.

So, when do you think a Mk3 will come out? If it will come out. I know gossips are starting to spring here and there, but they have for the past year or so, but anything solid? If you were to take US$4000 of your savings ( how much the 5DMk2 costs in Brazil ) would you buy now, or wait?

Thank you so much for your input and help,

Maybe you should plan a trip to Europe with the savings and buy the 5DMK2 here. Body is sold at an average of 2200 euros in Madrid with the vertical grip. (US$ 2850 ) and 2000 euros body alone.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2010, 08:52:22 am by fredjeang »


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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2010, 08:57:50 am »

Quote from: fredjeang
Maybe you should plan a trip to Europe with the savings and buy the 5DMK2 here. Body is sold at an average of 2200 euros in Madrid with the vertical grip. (US$ 2850 ) and 2000 euros body alone.

Yeah, but two reasons why not to:

1 - I need insurance, and insurance that would cover the cost of a new body. Insurance would cover the US$2850 body, not the tickets, hotels and meals. SO, I wouldn't have enough to buy a new one anyway.

2 - Upon arrival in Brazil, if customs asks to inspect my luggage ( could happen, not really an odd chance ) I would have to present the coupon and pay 100% taxes on anything over the buying limit ( currently, US$500 )... so, pay US$2350 in taxes, LOL. Just, those taxes would again, not come into the insurance math, so, again, only US$2850 would be insured.

This is an evil country when you consider how it handles it's citizens. What I am truly considering is moving away on the long run, LOL.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2010, 08:59:13 am by JessicaLuchesi »


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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2010, 09:15:37 am »

Quote from: JessicaLuchesi
Hey everyone,

As I get closer to saving for my much wanted Canon 5DMk2 upgrade ( I currently shoot with a Canon 40D ), I wonder... is the 5DMk2 already past it's optimum buying time? It would be horrible to buy a Mk2 just as a new Mk3 is announced. Or announced a few weeks later on.

So, when do you think a Mk3 will come out? If it will come out. I know gossips are starting to spring here and there, but they have for the past year or so, but anything solid? If you were to take US$4000 of your savings ( how much the 5DMk2 costs in Brazil ) would you buy now, or wait?

Thank you so much for your input and help,


Unless you need the 5D2 now, I would wait until the fall for announcements.

The more appropriate question is why, though. I was in the same boat eighteen months ago, having gone from 30D to 450D - decided that I get more out of photography by investing in a trip to Central America rather than buying the 5D2. So now I shoot a 550D (and MFT and 6x6 film and soon 4x5 LF).

Opportunity cost of upgrading is something which we ignore too often...

Further, depending on the glass you shoot with now upgrading lenses might make a bigger impact than a new camera. I sold my zooms (including the rather highly regarded 24-105mm L) and am fully prime now, and won't buy a zoom ever again - you get much higher IQ for cheap with primes.


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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2010, 09:57:32 am »

Quote from: feppe
Unless you need the 5D2 now, I would wait until the fall for announcements.

The more appropriate question is why, though. I was in the same boat eighteen months ago, having gone from 30D to 450D - decided that I get more out of photography by investing in a trip to Central America rather than buying the 5D2. So now I shoot a 550D (and MFT and 6x6 film and soon 4x5 LF).

Opportunity cost of upgrading is something which we ignore too often...

Further, depending on the glass you shoot with now upgrading lenses might make a bigger impact than a new camera. I sold my zooms (including the rather highly regarded 24-105mm L) and am fully prime now, and won't buy a zoom ever again - you get much higher IQ for cheap with primes.

I might say, I'm a professional food photography shooter, and I shoot with L glass or primes right now. It's really that 10Mp is too little for some of my clients to work with. And, if I'm moving up, I'd go all the way to Full Frame, rather than just add Mp, really. But, it's only a couple of clients who made remarks on 10Mp, and only a stock food agency who started turning them down regarding Mp count. I can wait a few months for a Mk3.

So, considering I'm talking about actual clients and their requirements... I'm not sure how a trip would help me improve my photography regarding that :| But at least there's the "why".


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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2010, 10:07:10 am »

To be honest, one of the advantages of Full Frame over crop, for food photography, is the fact with a 70mm or a 100mm prime, I don't have to climb a staircase to shoot food at some angles, because of the crop factor :| Having your 100mm Macro become a 160mm is that annoying, LOL


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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2010, 10:41:51 am »


It's Photokina year so if Canon has anything coming it will be announced in August or September, so if you can wait until Photokina announcements are made you will be in a better position to judge.

You could also consider the option of buying a 60 or 50 mm macro lens if working distance is a major problem for you.

Best regards

Quote from: JessicaLuchesi
Hey everyone,

As I get closer to saving for my much wanted Canon 5DMk2 upgrade ( I currently shoot with a Canon 40D ), I wonder... is the 5DMk2 already past it's optimum buying time? It would be horrible to buy a Mk2 just as a new Mk3 is announced. Or announced a few weeks later on.

So, when do you think a Mk3 will come out? If it will come out. I know gossips are starting to spring here and there, but they have for the past year or so, but anything solid? If you were to take US$4000 of your savings ( how much the 5DMk2 costs in Brazil ) would you buy now, or wait?

Thank you so much for your input and help,

Erik Kaffehr

Ken Bennett

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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2010, 12:31:13 pm »

Quote from: JessicaLuchesi
So, considering I'm talking about actual clients and their requirements...

As a working professional, your camera should meet your clients' needs and pay for itself over time. Your 40D isn't doing that right now, since you say that your files are being rejected by an agency.

If the 5D Mark II will meet your needs, and you'll make enough additional income to cover the cost over the course of the next year or so, then it's a good investment. It doesn't matter that a Mark III is on the horizon somewhere -- that's *always* true, no matter when we buy new gear.

In any case, if I had to guess, I would say that Canon won't release a 5D Mark III until many months after the 1Ds Mark IV comes out. But that's a wild guess on my part, based on logical marketing decisions, and Canon has a history of surprising us.
Equipment: a camera and some lenses.


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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2010, 12:37:11 pm »

Quote from: JessicaLuchesi
I might say, I'm a professional food photography shooter, and I shoot with L glass or primes right now. It's really that 10Mp is too little for some of my clients to work with. And, if I'm moving up, I'd go all the way to Full Frame, rather than just add Mp, really. But, it's only a couple of clients who made remarks on 10Mp, and only a stock food agency who started turning them down regarding Mp count. I can wait a few months for a Mk3.

So, considering I'm talking about actual clients and their requirements... I'm not sure how a trip would help me improve my photography regarding that :| But at least there's the "why".

I wasn't suggesting a trip, it was a general comment to show there are many other ways to invest in photography than buying a new camera.

All I'm saying is don't listen to the marketers telling what you must have right now, and to look at putting money where it has the best ROI - this applies to amateurs like me as well as pros. It very well might be that 5D2 might make more sense than getting a 7D and swapping lenses to shorter ones. But it also could be thata shorter macro with 7D might make more sense, and you could buy an octabank with the savings.

Or you might just save the money towards your move out of Brazil  If you're looking to save on taxes, don't move to Europe: tax burden in most countries here is ludicrous, even compared to Brazil. Getting a work permit is very difficult, but that's the case in most of the Western world.

And we get the same treatment at the border as you when bringing in expensive equipment - speaking from bitter experience.

Kirk Gittings

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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2010, 01:01:54 pm »

I can highly recommend the 5DMII as I make my living with it and am quite happy with it. But its too early for an MIII upgrade. Canon is usually on a 3 year cycle and the 5DMII was just introduced in September of 08. Watch Canon Rumors for info, but it is all a guessing game really.
Kirk Gittings


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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2010, 01:48:27 pm »


I'd suggest that Canon is not that eager to release a new camera if there is no significant competition. The competition for the the 5DII right now is Sony Alpha 850/900. If Sony comes with a new Alpha, Canon will respond. Nikon may have a D700X in coming, if so, Canon will respond. But right now I'd suggest that Canon is satisfied with their market position.

My suggestion is that you if you can wait a few months, until Photokina, you probably won't invest in a less than up to date camera. If you cannot wait the 5DII is certainly a good camera to buy. Pity to hear that prices in Brazil are that high. Here in Sweden a 5DII body goes for about 2100 EUR.

Best regards

Quote from: Kirk Gittings
I can highly recommend the 5DMII as I make my living with it and am quite happy with it. But its too early for an MIII upgrade. Canon is usually on a 3 year cycle and the 5DMII was just introduced in September of 08. Watch Canon Rumors for info, but it is all a guessing game really.
Erik Kaffehr

Luis Argerich

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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2010, 02:14:42 pm »

Good question...

I think the 1Ds MKIV and the Canon 60D will be released before the 5D is updated and I don't see Canon launching 3 new bodies before 2011. So I'd say the 5dII will stay for a while. Can't be sure of course.


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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2010, 04:15:51 pm »

I believe it would be wise to get the 5D2 now.... as everybody has said Canon's history shows that a 5D3 won't be along very soon... a 1Ds4 maybe at Photokina, but the price will be high.... you won't go wrong with the 5D2 even if a 5D3 does surprise us and come a little sooner..... wait for Photokina announcements as people have suggested... you can drive yourself crazy guessing when the next big thing is coming.... the 5D2 will fill all the needs you have mentioned.


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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2010, 05:19:24 pm »

Quote from: feppe
I wasn't suggesting a trip, it was a general comment to show there are many other ways to invest in photography than buying a new camera.

All I'm saying is don't listen to the marketers telling what you must have right now, and to look at putting money where it has the best ROI - this applies to amateurs like me as well as pros. It very well might be that 5D2 might make more sense than getting a 7D and swapping lenses to shorter ones. But it also could be thata shorter macro with 7D might make more sense, and you could buy an octabank with the savings.

Or you might just save the money towards your move out of Brazil  If you're looking to save on taxes, don't move to Europe: tax burden in most countries here is ludicrous, even compared to Brazil. Getting a work permit is very difficult, but that's the case in most of the Western world.

And we get the same treatment at the border as you when bringing in expensive equipment - speaking from bitter experience.


Thanks feppe  Well, I have decent glass for what I shoot, a really good prime Macro and the 24-70L when I need something for portraits. Enough lights, enough everything.

I'd love Full Frame, and the decision really is to buy a camera people won't bug me to upgrade again, for at least, say... five years. It's already killing me to have my work rejected not for quality, but really, because of 2 megapixels  

PS: I know taxes in Europe are killer, but at least you get your money back in terms of social services. You have decent healthcare, decent police, and decent everything. It may not look that way on a daily basis, but really, compared to here, you'd be shocked we have hospitals with problem of being constantly flooded by sewer water if it just rains a few days in a row. Hospitals :| What's cruel about things here, is that you pay taxes like in Europe, and get services from the state like, maybe, Uganda :| The idea to move is appealing to places such as Australia, tho, some good friends there


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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2010, 05:22:30 pm »

Quote from: k bennett
As a working professional, your camera should meet your clients' needs and pay for itself over time. Your 40D isn't doing that right now, since you say that your files are being rejected by an agency.

If the 5D Mark II will meet your needs, and you'll make enough additional income to cover the cost over the course of the next year or so, then it's a good investment. It doesn't matter that a Mark III is on the horizon somewhere -- that's *always* true, no matter when we buy new gear.

In any case, if I had to guess, I would say that Canon won't release a 5D Mark III until many months after the 1Ds Mark IV comes out. But that's a wild guess on my part, based on logical marketing decisions, and Canon has a history of surprising us.

Thanks. The main drive to wait, really is because I honestly want to be able not to replace the next camera for at least, some four to five years, really  It already bothers me much to see my work being rejected by an agency, because of 2Mp, that I even considered getting a simple Rebel, just so I can reach 12Mp, but I think there's a lot more to imaging than the Mp count, and if I have to upgrade, I'm gonna look for a real one, to be left alone for quite a while.


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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2010, 05:28:39 pm »

Quote from: Wolfman
I believe it would be wise to get the 5D2 now.... as everybody has said Canon's history shows that a 5D3 won't be along very soon... a 1Ds4 maybe at Photokina, but the price will be high.... you won't go wrong with the 5D2 even if a 5D3 does surprise us and come a little sooner..... wait for Photokina announcements as people have suggested... you can drive yourself crazy guessing when the next big thing is coming.... the 5D2 will fill all the needs you have mentioned.

True. I never meant the 5DMk2 isn't a good camera. One consideration I have, is if a 5Dmk3 will have such a high MP count, that pixel density will outresolve the lenses I have, which would make the 5Dmk2 more appealing, to be honest. But I'd love a 24Mp Mk3. ANyway, the 5DMk2 is a very sweet camera, and would solve all my problems, really. But, like I said, I'm upgrading to a camera I don't want to have to replace, for at least, some 4 years.

To be honest, I sometimes hate the fact I chose the 40D instead of dishing out just a bit more money, and getting the 5DMk1 back then. I'd be in a sweet spot right now and in no feeling of need to upgrade, because, 12Mp is the lower end of the sweet spot zone. But it is still within what most editors and agencies consider a good resolution. Sucks to have your work turned down because of 2 mp in the count :|

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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2010, 05:39:08 pm »

Get the MkII now. I went from a Nikon D200 to a D700 & the difference is staggering. You should see an even greater difference with the 5DmkII. I'd love to have a D3x sensor in a D700-type body (if such a thing ever materialises), but waiting would just leave me shooting well below the standard I'm getting now.

Get the mkII, sell more images, earn more money, be able to afford a 5DmkIV when it comes out!


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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2010, 07:01:37 pm »

Following these trends it is likely to be well into 2011 before the 5d3 pops up.

It does seem like you need something now, so have you thought about getting one of the last 2 Rebels to tide you over... 15 or 18MP, then keep it as a backup when you get the 5d3.


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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2010, 08:02:05 pm »

Quote from: mcbroomf
Following these trends it is likely to be well into 2011 before the 5d3 pops up.

It does seem like you need something now, so have you thought about getting one of the last 2 Rebels to tide you over... 15 or 18MP, then keep it as a backup when you get the 5d3.

Thanks, but it's much more than the MP count. The decision behind moving to the 5D involves also moving towards full frame photography, and the quality of color and contrast I can get while doing food photography. To be totally honest, I never did really like how the 40D captured food. Even with calibration and everything, I always had the nagging feeling my old 300D performed a bit better regarding color and gradients than the 40D.

I guess I'll just wait till I get the money in a month or two, and wait Photokina to end. If there's no Mk3 by then, Canon won't release a new camera, which will be a huge impact, without the help promoted by the biggest photo even around. Otherwise, they may just wait for next year's CES.

Thanks everyone for your, sometimes biased, usually sound, suggestions and help on this decision making  And thank you for not making it implicit I'm untalented and a bad photographer for the sheer mention I'm seeking advice regarding a camera upgrade, or mentioning I feel I need one :|
« Last Edit: July 19, 2010, 08:02:58 pm by JessicaLuchesi »


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Canon 5DMk2 - Buy or Wait?
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2010, 08:15:44 pm »

Quote from: JessicaLuchesi
True. I never meant the 5DMk2 isn't a good camera. One consideration I have, is if a 5Dmk3 will have such a high MP count, that pixel density will outresolve the lenses I have, which would make the 5Dmk2 more appealing, to be honest. But I'd love a 24Mp Mk3. ANyway, the 5DMk2 is a very sweet camera, and would solve all my problems, really. But, like I said, I'm upgrading to a camera I don't want to have to replace, for at least, some 4 years.

To be honest, I sometimes hate the fact I chose the 40D instead of dishing out just a bit more money, and getting the 5DMk1 back then. I'd be in a sweet spot right now and in no feeling of need to upgrade, because, 12Mp is the lower end of the sweet spot zone. But it is still within what most editors and agencies consider a good resolution. Sucks to have your work turned down because of 2 mp in the count :|

If your 2 pixels short of the minimum, then 21 megapixels with the 5D2 should cover it with room to spare for even higher resolution expectations.... go for it !!
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