Thanks for your replies, folks, I have to say that it seems rather more daunting than I'd imagined.
It might make sense to stay within the setup that Weebly provides (PayPal), but I'm not 100% sold on that sense of loyalty, because I eventually scrapped the house-contents insurance I had with one company to join with the company that insures the entire set of community buildings. The upshot has been that it is almost impossible to get them to accept anything isn't an act of God! Where I once feared a conflict between what one firm said was personal and another said was community, it's now all in limbo with the single firm being very reluctant to dip into its purse for anything.
But maybe selling is different!
Thanks again for your various inputs.
Rob C
I have used Paypal for a very long time now, and I have sold thousands of books, DVDs, etc. using Paypal.
I would say that most people are honest. In the no-telling-how-many transactions I have made, I have only had maybe 5 people try to burn me. They do this by claiming they never received the object (or by claiming it was "not as expected," etc.). Of the maybe 5 deadbeats who have ever tried to scam me, only 1 succeeded.
The way to make sure you never get scammed is essentially 1) send a product exactly as represented, 2) send it in a timely fashion, 3) communicate all aspects of the sale/shipping to the customer, 4)
always use a tracking number, and 5) ONLY send your product to the
Paypal-Confirmed address.
The reason the 1 guy got away with scamming me on that one occasion was 2-fold: (1) the guy claimed someone "else" used his credit card and (2) I sent the product to an address
other than what was listed in the Paypal payment. Never do this, because Paypal will not stand behind you if you ship to a non-confirmed address. Believe me, I will never do that again
Anyway, on the other ~4 occasions people tried to scam me by claiming they didn't get something, etc., I had numbers 1-5 above covered, and Paypal honored my end of it and the scammers failed. Of course, what helped in those cases also was the simple fact I have had a history of dozens and dozens of mutually-satisfactory transactions every month, for several years running, so the anomaly was clearly the errant customer.
All-in-all, Paypal is a great service to have. It's not quite as cheap as using a credit card company, but it's pretty darned solid and it's pretty darned convenient.
Good luck to you,