Mean. Very mean.
Actually, when Chris sent the vid clip to me, I initially thought it was a stomach rumbling (mine or Mike's)...but thankfully, it wasn't.
I'm pretty sure the people up stairs were actually dismembering bodies and making least that's what it sounded like to me. Oh, except for when the woman kept turing up her stereo with jazz, which in itself wasn't bad, but kinda sucks when the mics picked it up.
That and the trucks going by...course it wasn't quite as bad as last time with the TV crew outside running a huge genny for simply amazes me that in the end, the audio doesn't seem nearly as bad on Chris's final edit as it does when we are shooting...but of course, Chris has to do a ton of post to clean up the best he can (which is pretty darn good).
As for the outtakes...if it weren't so darn hard to edit stuff like that, I would LOVE to see some of the better "moments" Mike and Chris and I have had...but go even further and imagine all he outtakes from all the Video Journals Mike and Chris have done. (I know there are classics from the 3 Antarctic trips)
Too little time...too many fun things to do–sadly, you can't do them all.
(although the crossing the Antarctic Circle vid is priceless)