I would love to know when I am supposed to look at my focus image.
Sometimes its fast, most times depending on workload you can never tell which image I have sharp in what area of the subject. I little orange indicator would solve this.
Also, when new captures are being taken while some are being edited in the same folder, I wish there was a REFRESH so the new images show up(I would think its just me who can't find it?)
Other than that, I wish it was a bit faster focusing, and loading the files, and everytime you "touch"/Edit the file its as if everything is slow.
...It would be nice to get the view criteria right as a default for sorting.
SPEED, thats the bottom line, SPEED!...and some indications. :-)
I just got LR3, and I still like C1. maybe its just that I am used to it, but I actual "feel" I get more 3D, and sharp files out of C1...I know, I know...thats why I said feel...so either its metal or there is a difference as I have not done any tests, but yet to get the SHARP 3D feel I get from C1....just my overall impression. Besides,I can't understand or get around the LAME database import add shmad! WETF it is... The file is in the folder written from camera/captuer...READ IT..if you can't do what you need in the background, and pertend while I see it, and edit it!
Capture One guys...If your listening...Here is another one that might be best for ease of use.
I would love to be able to move the "browser window" off the lower panel and onto another monitor as I use 2x 30", and any shooter will like have a large screen or 2 screens.
Even better, I would love for the program to take on the Modern approach. It would have the core Browser and edit window, then all else is an add-on.
I don't mean visually as you can have this to some extend as the GUI, but as a program so it can be faster, so it doesn't have all this weight...I know, maybe not possible...BUT, if you did...WOW! Think of it as a marketing stand point, if you come up with something super brilliant, you can add it (not plug in, but module set) for $29.99. (Free for me of course).
So this is my workflow...
-Get all files into C1...then realize this is too slow to load 60 files.
-Switch to ACDSee Pro to view(It only sees the tif preview, no prob). so then while C1 is loading, I kinda get an idea which files/angles I like.
-See if C1 is done. Sort by name.
-select and process maybe 7 to 12 files in max TIF16bit
-open files in CS5 edit, and save.
-back to ACDSEEPro3 to batch convert to Jpeg client previews with data ripped out and new info added into new folders and email off, and can FTP via ACDSeePro3
(I use a quad i7 3.4ghz with 8gb ram). Files are on Intel SSE4x servers in Raid5 for protection/mirrored.
I usually have ACDSee Pro3 open, C1, CS5ext, Acrobat, InDesign. I close the last 2 as much as possible.
The second system has all emailing, Acrobat, IExplorer, EFI RIP to print. audio/mp3 playing). Another system is dedicated to capture. I mention these in case there is a obvious bottle neck some can pinpoint.
Anyone have a "better" approach?
I prefer using different programs to manage and edit images...I prefer programs doing what they are designed and taking the weight off its main task.
Bridge is slow and way limited compared to ACDSee Pro3, LR3 is also doing way to much in one prog, and has I have not understood the dbase BS.
What do you do, and is it fast?