One guy in some camera store says he can't get one. Maybe he can't get another one because there aren't any in the channel, but there will be in another month. All the major vendors have them in stock, supply is not an issue if you have capital.
I gotta laugh at how people hear what they want to hear.
That's not quite correct, but it may be what you wanted to read? (subtle poke in the ribs, and all in jest). However, since I started this ball rolling...
What I said was that a clerk at a local camera store (Kerrisdale Cameras) - which is one of a chain of stores - said that the A900s were discontinued and they couldn't order them. I knew Sony had discontinued the A700 but I hadn't heard anything about the A900, so I was wondering. I sent an e-mail to Sony Canada and asked them, and the person who replied confirmed that the A700 has been discontinued but the A900 is still current. They are available for purchase through the Sony website. Last Friday I was in another store (London Drugs) - one of a chain of stores also, and as I was
walking by the camera desk I noticed they had an A900 there 'on sale' for $200 less. I asked the clerk there how long the A900s would be on sale and she replied that they only had the one A900 body and it was on clearance as they were being discontinued and Sony is planning to bring out something new. That's all I know, and that's essentially what I posted. When I was at the London Drugs store today I walked by the camera counter and that body has been sold.
Now it MAY be that Sony is discontinuing the A900, or it may not. Based on the responses of two clerks in two different corporations, that's what's been implied to me. It may be different in the US than it is in Canada. Anyone who knows for certain is likely covered under NDA. Sony isn't saying, and if they did, it's theoretically possible that people would stop buying A900s in favour of whatever they MAY be bringing out and they'd be left with their current stock. The A900
is available from and it's also available and in stock at B&H. I'm not accusing Sony of hiding their (potential?) upgrades, only playing their cards close. Neither am I criticizing their policies. In their place I might do the same thing.
I like the A900 as a camera, but I'm not in any particular rush to purchase one so I can wait a month or two. I like the in-body stabilization, and I like the general look and feel of it. They have some great lenses, and Sigma and others also make good lenses. I've never used Live View, but I can see how it might have some potential for macro and/or landscape work, which is mostly what I do. I've made a couple of 'family' videos using my walk-around Fuji camera, but I've been a photographer for so long I keep trying to shoot video in portrait mode and it doesn't work overly well.
And that's all I have to say about that!