My faithful original 23-inch cinema display finally needed to go. After much research, and agonizing, I selected the LaCie 724 and their calibrator. All three of them went back to LaCie because of uneven illumination...clearly visible to my eyes AND shown in their own calibration report. Anything more than 10% is considered unacceptable, My monitors had between 13-17% variation in the display report.
So, I started my research over again. The Apple was appealing, but the glossy display was a turn off.
I settled on the NEC PA241W being discussed here.
It is a great monitor out of the box. No detectable unevenness. Better response than the LaCie as well, not tearing when moving dialog boxes. And a cheaper solution as well!
Just waiting for the new NEC puck and software to fine tune the display, but could not be happier.