Some people need to study history and geological time graphs. Do you realize that 143 years is NOTHING, it wont change a straight line on a time-line graph of the earth. How long do you want a print to survive? And for what purpose? "Everything about this house
Was born to grow and die" Great lyrics, except maybe it should be earth instead of house! Unfortunately there's no way to make a print today last for 10000 years. As time goes by more and more photographs will be taken making the photographs of today irrelevant including AA. da Vinci, Rembrant, Renoir, van Gogh, Monet, An-He etc. they will at some point become irrelevant, it's just a matter of time and we can reproduce their wonderful works of art and make them so good that they can fool a lot of experts. What's the point? Read what Wayne has written, you are emotionally attached to something that will mean nothing in 143 years not to speak of 10143 years. This entire fascination with "archival" prints and paintings etc. is so bizarre, it just doesn't make any sense. Enjoy what you like today, tomorrow somebody might enjoy the same, chances are they wont.
Nothing on earth has been preserved to it's original state, over time everything degrades (I guess not gold). The Great Pyramids do not look the same as when they were built and neither does the Parthenon and eventually they will cease to exist; are they "archival"? There will come a day when they are gone and more than likely forgotten, just like our prints.