Can you explain why the Capture One User's Guide recommends against sharpening in C1, if sharpening will be done in downstream editors?
For instance if you want to soften skin of a portrait capture sharpening in the RAW software is counterproductive. Too, if you shoot wide open with a very shallow DOF you may want to sharpen only the in focus areas and leave the out of focus totally without sharpening. Too, if you shoot at higher ISO you may want to leave smooth surfaces (sky or so) without sharpening. ... etc. Too, again, if there are any further image transformations like distortion correction, rotation, resizing and the like it
may be better to leave the image without sharpening in the first step.
Too, you may prefer different sharpening tools (I for one use Focal Blade for capture sharpening).
Bottom line: if you process your files without sharpening you simply keep more options for further editing.