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Author Topic: iPad  (Read 26927 times)


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« Reply #80 on: January 30, 2010, 12:10:32 pm »

Quote from: DiaAzul
Apple will never allow flash or any other application environment to run on the iPhone/iPad which allows users to download applications around the Apple App store. Allowing flash, or any JVM type container would weaken Apples grip on their prime revenue steam, even if it is in the customers' best interest.

Apple has one goal and one goal only and that is to make money.

Yep you got it, I also think that both Apple and Adobe are sending shots across each others bow. I have thought for a while now that in 5 years time Adobe will no longer make products for Apple. We are already starting to see a lag with some Adobe products for the Mac Platform compared with Windows.

It has been rather fun and amusing to watch the Apple fan boys try and explain away the lack of flash support as a good thing on a device that's primary objective is to watch and read content in various forms. I also do not believe for a second that Apple does not make money from the App Store or iTunes. If so why offer it at all?

I read an interesting article on another site that speculated the real reason that Apple does not want flash on the iPhone/iPad and that is because the 3G networks could not handle the load of the millions of people who would stream HD Porn in flash.The iPad with flash support would become the perfect platform for streaming porn videos and with ATT's network not even able to keep with iPhone usage streaming unlimited porn videos in HD with the unlimited data plan that they have to sell would crash the entire network.

john beardsworth

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« Reply #81 on: January 30, 2010, 12:27:57 pm »

Quote from: Wally
....I read an interesting article on another site that speculated the real reason that Apple does not want flash on the iPhone/iPad and that is because the 3G networks could not handle the load of the millions of people who would stream HD Porn in flash...
Not sure about that. At 1.5 pounds it's a bit heavy to hold comfortably in one hand.

Jonathan Wienke

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« Reply #82 on: January 30, 2010, 12:34:49 pm »

Quote from: johnbeardy
Not sure about that. At 1.5 pounds it's a bit heavy to hold comfortably in one hand.

 But that's the real reason why they have the stand option...

Alan Goldhammer

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« Reply #83 on: January 30, 2010, 12:57:40 pm »

Quote from: John Camp
I travel a lot with a laptop. If my laptop gave me 10 hours of life, I'd be delighted -- but I've never had any problem charging it. Along with eating a couple of meals, taking a couple of leaks, etc., an iPad would cover a flight from London to Sydney, or Newark to Baghdad...and I expect you'll quickly be able to buy those little backup dev ices like they have for the iPod, batteries that will give you a boost for those times you can't get to an outlet...not that I've ever needed one.


I think you would be looking at a 13 hour flight here.  13-10=3, so your screen goes blank just when you pass Cyprus!


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« Reply #84 on: January 30, 2010, 01:21:37 pm »

A few interesting things doing the rounds on the internet. Apple knows it's taking a challenge but makes sure you note that it is in the best position ever to do so: 50B$ company, 75M iPhone OS users, 150,000 Apps and tens of thousands of dedicated developers and an extremely successful multimedia shop which is being reproduced to sell books. And enough excitement generated to guarantee the first few million sales sight unseen. Also, they are extremely vertically integrated and have huge long term contracts to guarantee the supply and price of the key components. As Apple warned us last year, they have most probably reduced their margin significantly to make sure nobody would undercut them on price. If a ten inch tablet is the solution, nobody will beat Apple in the foreseeable future.

A ten inch tablet held vertically (portrait) is not an accident. It is what our reading material has evolved into over hundred of years. Held with slightly bent arms, it is the size of image we expect from our computer screens and TVs. It is natural and comfortable. Apple being Apple, they have spent years refining the smallest touch gesture to make sure it was simple and intuitive. They started from scratch and kept nothing whatsoever from the desktop/mouse paradigm.

While they didn't dare say it this time, the iPad might really be the computer "for the rest of us". Not a mini laptop but something new that will be more than enough for many people who couldn't really use a computer until now.

Seeing the iPad, I wonder if our generation has used the most complicated computers ever and that they will now become simpler and simpler to use with their increasing internal complexity well hidden.

While there are a few obvious omissions in the first generation tablet, I am most disappointed by the lack of a powerful, interactive, multimedia publishing framework. So far, there is the simplistic ePub and some magazine and newspaper publishers have been left to program their own reader App but that could change completely with a formal, standard framework. What about an encapsulating engine based on HTML5 which would secure the content and add DRM? Cartoons and magazines would come running and many successful blogs could publish lucratively that way. About the competition with free information, Apple (and others) proved that people were ready to pay a reasonable amount for quality material that would be free of the disturbance of unrelated advertising. I can think of a number of magazines I would love receiving on my iPad, enhanced, enriched and mostly free of advertising (I stopped reading Diver magazine when their ratio of editorial to advertising dropped below 20%). They can cost less than one dollar each and still be profitable. No distribution costs and no waste.

I wonder how long it will be before we see such an application/framework. My guess is 50 days.


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« Reply #85 on: January 31, 2010, 02:50:05 pm »


I think you hit the nail - the iPad is as much a computer as many people need, with enough apps probably most.
As a Photographer you need to step aside and take a look what you would do if you were a private computer user and
frankly it would cover 90 % of what I do on computers.
Now what does it mean for me professionally ?
it´s about a shrinking and also a growing market.
The shrinking market is the print and large format, high quality market.
Worldwide last year most print media have lost up to 60 % of their ads.The numbers of printed matter seem to be stable but this is also to be asked after,
a lot of these magazines go to trains , planes and other places where people get them for free.
Now the iPad will speed up this tendency and even if Apple would fail there are many others in the wings who would also murder the king.
Now we also have a growing market, mixed media content, fast - no  INSTANT access to every news and pictures worldwide, 4G wil add even better quality
and permanent flow of new images and videos, maybe not so much text as this has to be written, but images taken the right time the right place will be worth more
and may market faster than ever before ( I see a dwindling business for the  AP´s and Reuters of this world soon !) directly shot to the online publishing software of giants
like Time and similar. You will need to connect to the internet in good quality to keep up with competition permanently and your pictures will need to be as web compatible
as possible,means sRGB, a max resolution of maybe 2000x3000 pixels and good compression means JPG/JPG2000 or PNG, some 3d stuff coming up with maybe Photosynth
or stereoscopic 3D (I think this would work on the iPad too!).
Expect a paradigm shift, if Apple would not have done it someone else would do it sooner or later.

The King is dead - long live the new King and again we need to learn how we find our place in this new and exciting world. This is why I love my job.

Greetings from Munich
« Last Edit: January 31, 2010, 02:50:53 pm by Stefan.Steib »
Because Photography is more than Technology and "as we have done it before".

Alan Goldhammer

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« Reply #86 on: February 01, 2010, 12:23:21 pm »

There is an interesting story in the Wall Street Journal today about pricing of e-books.  Apparently I-Pad books will cost more than their Kindle counterparts and one publisher is balking at producing Kindle editions.  Not terribly consumer friendly on the part of Apple.

John Camp

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« Reply #87 on: February 01, 2010, 01:16:51 pm »

Quote from: Alan Goldhammer
There is an interesting story in the Wall Street Journal today about pricing of e-books.  Apparently I-Pad books will cost more than their Kindle counterparts and one publisher is balking at producing Kindle editions.  Not terribly consumer friendly on the part of Apple.

Doesn't have anything to do with consumer friendly. The special price on Kindle books applies only to best-sellers -- Amazon sells best-sellers for $9.99. The average hard-cover best-seller retails for about $27.95, of which the publisher gets ~$14, with the rest going to stores and distributors. That means that Amazon is taking a loss of around $4 per best-seller. They are (or were -- it's changing right now) willing to do that because they are trying to establish a monopoly position in electronic books; I talked to a somewhat frightened editor who said that Amazon is already at around 10% of sales, and growing. The problem here is that if Amazon does establish a monopoly position in electronic books, it will begin dictating prices to the publishers, rather than having the publishers set their own prices in a free-market style. That's why some publishers are balking at producing Kindle editions, even though they currently get their full share of the price -- they know that Amazon's position is not sustainable long-term, and is only being done now to seize market share. If Amazon succeeds, prices of electronic best-sellers will rise top something just under the cost of a paper version sold in book stores. If there ARE any bookstores. If Apple and Google succeed with their bookstore models, publishers will actually get less than they get from Amazon, at least for a while, but they will control their own pricing, which is crucial to them.



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« Reply #88 on: February 05, 2010, 08:42:45 am »

Quote from: Wally
I read an interesting article on another site that speculated the real reason that Apple does not want flash on the iPhone/iPad and that is because the 3G networks could not handle the load of the millions of people who would stream HD Porn in flash.The iPad with flash support would become the perfect platform for streaming porn videos and with ATT's network not even able to keep with iPhone usage streaming unlimited porn videos in HD with the unlimited data plan that they have to sell would crash the entire network.
That would be a break with the old paradigm of porn being at the forefront and driver of new distribution methods.
Apple do also seem to be a prudish company, judging by some of the silly app store rejections, so there is possible truth is this as well as the server strain. But is Flash the main method of porn distribution online?
I'd also heard that even the 'recession proof' porn industry is struggling in the same ways paid for newspapers are, they also cannot compete with free.

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