I was wondering if anyone else uses the Playstation 3 to view their LLVJs. I have been using one for my HD video and regular and Blu-Ray DVDs for some time, with very good image quality when projected. The LLVJ-18 download files, especially the Antarctica section, were excellent in general.
However, I can't play the LLVJ-19 download files. I have unzipped them, and copied them to the same thumb drive that has my LLVJ-18 files, and the Playstation says "corrupt file" immediately on displaying the directory. In a panic I downloaded the latest firmware (3.10 I believe) and installed it, with no change in this (although the startup screen now has sparkles in addition to the swirlies that were there before). The LLVJ 18 files play just fine.
So, I was wondering if anyone else was able to play LLVJ-19 on their Playstation 3.