Intriguing perspective!
Thanks Mike. I did try a few different angles, but this one worked the best I think.
Great moods (not too fond of IR), and I think the shapes constructed are great in all the shots. Once again I think black/white takes first prize.
Rob C
Thanks Rob. I'm not fussed on IR left in false colour myself, but once converted to B&W, it is better.
I think the problem with many IR shots is that they are taken with not enough thought about composition, relying more on the "ooh look at those milky white leaves" factor.
Excellent B&W conversion and use of vignetting for a gloomy atmosphere.
Thanks branko. I tried to bring out the sadness of the place - it was the grave of a young Ethel Gibbins, who died in 1887 at only 5 years old on this remote goldfield. Nothing left of the town except the graveyard