Never had a Pentax 67, but these 6x7-scans look awful and I don't think they do the mdium film justice! A 6x7-slide/negative has to resolve only about 40lp/mm to match a 24MP-DSLR!
This one looks better:
... and that was on an Imacon, not a high quality drum scanner...
@ Erik, I am Swedish. Lets face it, our country is a small one with 9 million people.... Back in 2003 (when more people shot film in Sweden) I had several 35mm Velvia 50 slides scanned in one of the top labs in Goteborg - results were not good, including they had problem with the colors...
Although I no more live in Sweden, how then do the labs in Sweden nowadays stack up to professional labs in big metropolitan areas in the world where there is still some market left for film? Unfortunate, per my own experience there are not that many professional and capable labs for film even in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Seoul nowadays - this is the unfortunate downside of film, but some labs do exist.
The positive side of film is that the images do not cease to impress people. Now that the world is digital that is perhaps even more true..., because different but at very high quality.
With a Leica M8 and Leaf Aptus 65 I still shoot film... perhaps I should have stayed with it? The reason to switching digital in first place was that a "professional lab" in Busan South Korea in 2005 handed my three Velvia 50 slides back with fine scratches running across them...
Depending on subject, light etc, quality scanned 6x7, 617 and 4x5 beats my Aptus... as for which one is best... film and quality digital are different. Yes, at times I might like a shot from my Aptus better than from my 6x7, but far from always. The argument of 24MP dslrs beating 6x7 seem very lame... I cannot even say my Aptus does, and the 24MP DSLRs are of lesser quality...
Or to be more fair in comparison... instead of basing on substandard scanning, how about projecting the digital image from a dslr on a wall to compare with a quality shot and processed 6x7 slide with a pro 6x7 projector? I bet you $$$ on the slide will win.
If Epson update their V750 I will buy one.