I'd just like to point out that by setting everything to 0 you are assuming the post processing tools are better than what you have in ACR. I don't know what you are using for post processing, but in my opinion the basic Photoshop tools are outdated compared to what ACR has to offer, especially in terms of color and tone.
You should consider using the Smart Object option to be able to reload the image in ACR while post processing.
Hi Max,
I'm afraid your assumption is false. After having set everything to 0, and after having evaluated the raw material the camera captured, starts my post processing in ACR. Exposure, fill light, brightness, contrast, ecc, curve, local enh. ecc... trying to get the most out of the Raw pic at this stage. Then, eventually, smart objects and/or basic or non basic PS.
I was tempted to adopt the scene referred starting point after having noticed that ACR default settings were a starting point too. So, I thought, why not to adopt the scene referred one?!
If you ETTR -for example- the default +brightness & medium contrast curve in ACR will sometimes make you think you've blown the highlights even if you didn't. So instead of correcting the curve, fiddle with recovery ecc I prefer to set up my contrast every time pic by pic!