Ahem... Take a deep breath and some moderation - puhleeze.
Try to avoid personal attacks or risk the Fickle Finger of Moderation.
Chris, I don't mean to make any personal attacks, but if you'd kindly check out the various posts of Dalethorn on both this and other topics, I think you'll see that he's quite the provocateur who ends up derailing many a good discussion because of his need to belittle and make personal attacks on others. I was trying to exercise restraint with him, but after once again derailing an otherwise good discussion thread, I'd had it. Nothing appears to get through to him. I simply invite you to check out his history with posts. He calls people ignorant, belittles their opinions, makes personal attacks, derails civil conversations. To that end, I'm a bit surprised to get a warning while he goes go on and on casting aspersion on other people. To wit, here are a few recent samples of his vitriol:
"Truly profound ignorance on a global scale."
"This is mind-boggling. A total disregard for reason and logic. Strip-mining mentality on a rampage."
"Here's a *very* simple thought you *might* be able to grasp."
"It's a shame to rant like that just to expound a common academic (yawn) point of view."
"I have heard the laughter of the ignorant many times."
And that's just in the last week! Every reference to ignorance in the above examples, btw, are directed at the people he's responding to. He apparently doesn't have the requisite self-control to keep his venom in check, and I was just responding to him in kind ~ which was my mistake. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the discussions here... it's just Dalethorn makes it more tedious.