OK, so here's a practical example/question:
Let's say I have my Exposure, Recovery, and Brightness settings set in such a way that a certain bright, but important, area is clipped at 255/255/255. There IS detail there but I have chosen to let ACR clip it on the Basic tab. Now, if I use the localized brush to bring down the exposure and possibly brightness on that highlight, will the detail be recovered?
My limited experimentation seems to indicate the answer is Yes, but it would be nice to hear a confirmation or possible gotchas from the gurus here.
I think this particular example is important for a few reasons:
- This is something that could not be done in the same way with a trip to PS since the highlights would be clipped and non-recoverable once in PS. You could compress the dynamic range, make sure you are in 16-bit mode, and then adjust in PS but that obviously involves a few more steps.
- This example I think actually comes in handy in some cases. Sometimes you don't want to overdo Recovery because it has a tendency to dull-down the whole image in some cases. So you leave Recovery off or at a low value and then tame the specific bright areas with the localized brush.