For those of you who have purchased the video C2P I was wondering if this tutorial finally enabled you to print B&W and Color images so that the output was pretty close to the monitor output and you have a better understanding of paper choices?
I have mixed results with B&W (actually it's a crap shot). Color printing is better. What I am trying to understand is how to put all the pieces together so that when I want to print I have a much higher level of confidence that what what comes out of the printer is close to what it looks like on the monitor.
Generally, my B&W prints come in way too light out of PS2. I haven't tried printing in Lightroom - yet.
When it comes to paper I am totally confused and would like to settle in with some tried and true papers versus wandering around the store guessing.
I have an Epson 3800, Spyder 2, PS CS3, and Light Room 2.2. I use a Nikon D300.
Thanks in advance for your insight and thoughts