- How many 35mm-DSLR-users compromise their IQ because they don't want to handle a huge, slow MF-cam?
Except for high-speed press-photography, the S2 pretty much handles like a 35mm-DSLR
- How many MF-users would love a faster cam?
The S2 is about twice as fast regarding frame rate and handles much faster, too (processing speed) and has quite fast lenses, too.
- How many MF-users don't need technical movements? 70? 80%? 90%?
Most Hasselblad-users seem love their closed system and never put their back on an Artec or Linhof.
The sensor of the S2 represents the most advanced sensor-technology available. We already see it with the new Phase-backs - this is high-end regarding color reproduction, dynamic range and they're even quite usable without internal filtering and microlenses @ 800ASA - why should a camera with a Sony-CMOS be less noisy? The S2 will be the first cam using the new CCD-generation + microlenses and the lenses are better @ f2.5 than every C/N-lens for the smaller format. When they are able to integrate the Sensor+-like-technology, they could even gain 2 stops more.
You don't have HD-video or 5fps (it's just as fast as the D3x) but the highest fill-rate of those cameras - this is a camera for high-quality-prints, not the daily press-work.
I've handled the S2 on the Photokina and compared it within a few hours with Hasselblad, F&H, Phamiya and C/N. This camera feels like from another planet, somebody tries really to improve the game - not by adding more buttons, or HD-video but on the most substantial aspects: IQ and ergonomics. The biggest revolution since the first full-frame DSLR.
Leica was so often disappointed by their customers (that might sound strange, but look at R8, M5 and S1 - great cameras which were accepted much too late). I hope the internet is a game changer here, when people can see the first highres-shots with their own eyes and forget about all those ideas of Leica-lenses in front of their 5dII, D3x or A900 - this quality would have been impossible with those cams behind their lenses.