yes, it is possible:
1. Calibrate normally.
2. Find the profile you have created and name it according to the monitor you calibrated (e.g., primary monitor). It will be located in C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers\color.
3. Shut down and unplug the monitor you just calibrated.
4. Restart and calibrate the monitor that is attached, and name the profile appropriately (e.g., secondary monitor).
5. Shut down and re-attach the primary monitor.
6. Restart and go to the Displays control panel.
7. Click the primary monitor and then the Settings tab, then the Advanced button, the color management tab and then be sure the profile you want is selected. (you may need to Add it with the Add button.) Click Apply and OK.
8. Click the secondary monitor and then the Advanced button, then the Color Management tab and select the profile created for this monitor. You may need to add it.