I have an Imac on Tiger, 1 admin account and 3 standard users.I calibrated a long time ago with a tool from Pantone and was fine with it. A few weeks ago I bought my own calibration tool(Eye-One) to update the monitor profile. The profile is used when I boot the computer. When I switch to another account the profile is still correct. When I switch back to my account the profile jumps bto "Generic RGB profile"
The interesting thing is that I can not change the profile in System preferences. If I click on any other profile I just get a "ping" sound and that's it.
If I then restart the computer it uses automatically the profile I created with the tool.
The profile is stored under Macintosh HD/Library/Color Sync/Profiles
I assume that this is correct.
I have not had this issue with the first monitor profile done with the Pantone tool.
Thanks for any advice
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I cannot offer an immediate help but I remember that I had the exact same issue a while back. What is your Tiger version? I'm suffering from severe memory fade and I cannot remember when and what I did to fix the issue. I would check the disk permissions, update to the latest Tiger version, check the ICC profile using the ColorSync utility (found in Utilities folder).
The location of your profile is correct by what happens if you copy/move it to ~/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/ (~ is your home directory)?
Let me know if this helps, I'm away from the office and only have internet access a few hours a week.