Does anyone know of a method, other than round-tripping into Photoshop, to invert copy negatives in Aperture?
Most applications either have an invert command or allow you to invert the pointers in the tone curve controls.
Aperture currently won't allow this. IE you are prevented from dragging the highlight slider past the mid tone slider to the dark tonality and vice versa drag the dark tonality slider past the mid tone slider to the highlight side in the tonality brick.
My understanding is that all they have to do is change the setting of the pointer objects so this is possible. In other words, the programming needed to invert is already in place! It's just the interface that prevents this from working, now.
Are there plugins that will do this, even if they require round tripping?
Another idea I had was to export the raw original after I've created an inverted jpeg with Photoshop and then renaming them the same and reimporting them so that the positive becomes the preview image in Aperture.
I'm in the process of archiving about 10,000+ negatives and any short cut ideas would greatly be appreciated!
Thanks in advance!