If you alredy have i1, then you don't have to buy the Spectraview II + colorimeter kit, just get the SV II profiler alone - it costs 99$ and it works with any i1 colorimeter. Certainly, it has specific Nec functions, and it utilizes the internal 12bit LUT of the Nec, so the calibration process is 100% automatic and more precise.
After you'll get your Nec, enter the advanced menu, go to tag "E", and press "select" and "down" button simultaneously. If you'll enter the "secret" spectraview mode menu, you don't necessarly need to buy Spectraview II in US - you can buy basICColor display (99 Euro), and it will support hardware calibration in Nec (with Spectraview mode on).
I read today on the 'open photography forum' that NEC, beginning with their 2008 spectraview monitors, changed them so that this 'workaround' is no longer an option...i wonder if your 2190 or your friends 2690's are 2008 models...
Now, I just read this, not sure it's true, or not...I sent off an email to basiCColor to ask them about it, no word yet...here's the link to the discussion if you're interested...it's quite long...it's sorta what we've been talking about...
[a href=\"http://www.openphotographyforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5716]http://www.openphotographyforums.com/forum...read.php?t=5716[/url]
check out a few posts by Michael Fontana, they start near the bottom of the second page...he seems to have talked with NEC in europe and starting in 2008 he says...
"I found out, that NEC has disabled in the 2008 (years) version of the 2690 WUXI the option to hardware-calibrate.
So this is different from the 2007-modell! With the 2007 one, it still was possible to get these options.
So basically NEC sells in Europe a hardware-calibratable display, but cripples it down to software-calibrating, only!! In the US, everbody gets the hardware-calibratable ones..
.....geeez; I better don't write, what I think about this company. Messing up with not less than 8 different names for a similar product, whithout specifying it."
NEC europe seems incredibly...ignorant...not sure that's the right word...