This is difficult to answer for several reasons. One is , that this is really non-disclosure information. Eizo does have a LED backlit on the slate for mid 2009. I predict it will be somewhat expensive, but it is impossible to tell now. I make this prediction because of what we know about LED now. Short lifespan, not in volume production, and the blue channel is the first to go, leaving a significant gamut shift.
So, I am assuming Eizo will get a low production backlight system and will fix the problems- and give our usual good warranty. But as a whole, I am not really too excited about LED. IT will be the backlight source for all LCD’s sometime, but there are some problems to fix. You will see it in TV and consumer before it is in high end graphics displays. The unit we have will be a 24”. I will release another 24 in Jan. It will not be a significant upgrade the one we have now except for one feature that I cannot discuss. Let’s say this will be most important if you are a motion picture professional.
If this goes any further, I would need to know specific info (what size you want, what you applications you use). Or, drop me a call if you have a minute.
Tom Gadbois
Color Graphics Specialist
Eizo Nanao Technologies, Inc.
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2008 8:27 PM
To: Gadbois, Thomas
I am about to purchase an Eizo monitor, but would like to know when Eizo next has their new upgrade cycle...specifically, the new LED displays currently on the market do not calibrate well with current calibration devices, so I would need to wait until both monitor and calibrator are upgraded.
Does Eizo have plans to use LEDs soon?
Thank you!
Mike B