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G9 Died, What Now?
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2008, 04:05:12 pm »

Yes, that's basically what I said---its pretty much all been said about the possible contenders.  Its just up to you to figure out what compromises you're willing to make--because each has its pros--and cons.--and the W30 doesn't have RAW.  There doesn't appear to be a 'best of' though the G9 seems to be close except some would prefer a bit smaller size (me not being one of them).  From reviews, the G9 seems to be the closest to being reasonably responsive as opposed to the others you're looking at since you've mentioned that. On other forums folks have mentioned that they put it in MF and that gives them just a bit less lag--haven't tried it so don't know. 

Hope Canon either repairs or replaces.  That's what I would expect if mine failed--and they've certainly done it for others. The G9 has turned out to be a pretty reliable small cam from all the forum discussions. 

I will  note that Jim Radcliffe on dpreview and other forums has solved his problems by carrying the Leica (DLux 3/Panny based), the G9 and the Sigma DP1 in a small case.  He's also a 5D shooter but says between the 3 (with a quite sizeable difference in weight/size by carrying comparable gear for DSLR) he's able to shoot most everything he wishes.

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NAW...just go out and buy a D3 or two, this seems to be everyones' answer in any thread  on the web....LOL....


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G9 Died, What Now?
« Reply #21 on: June 12, 2008, 09:05:29 pm »

I'm skipping the D3 and the D300 and waiting for the next generation. The D3 weighs just too much for my taste. D300 just not enough of an upgrade from the D200.

Been shooting alot with the D200 since the G9 passed away. Forgot how responsive it is.

Anyway, I'm waiting to hear from Canon now, but if I have to replace, I may wait for a bit based solely on speculation that Nikon might intro a DX compact. I'm just totally dreaming, I know.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 09:06:20 pm by BryanHansel »
Bryan Hansel


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G9 Died, What Now?
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2008, 05:51:22 pm »

I've had my G9 for 6 or 7 months now and never had a problem. I live on 49 acres and have it with me always. I have dropped it (both intentionally and unintentionally), left it in the rain, and used it in some pretty hot and humid weather ... and mine has held-up like a champ.

I do agree that some of the shots taken at high ISO have been pretty sucky, but the ones taken at 80 to 200 ISO have been wonderful.

Sometimes the auto-focus has trouble figuring-out complicated settings, especially when a little dark, but for the most part I have enjoyed the heck out of mine. Like anything else, it depends on what your purposes are, and how prone you are to complain over faults or to enjoy advantages.

For me, my complaints have been very minor and my enjoyment of the camera very major


PS: You are the first person I have ever seen to call the Nikon D300 "a minor upgrade" to the D200. Every other author I have read has gushed over the D300 as a dramatic upgrade. So perhaps the problem isn't in the camera it's in your expectations  



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G9 Died, What Now?
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2008, 06:28:06 pm »

I've had my G9 for 6 or 7 months now and never had a problem. I live on 49 acres and have it with me always. I have dropped it (both intentionally and unintentionally), left it in the rain, and used it in some pretty hot and humid weather ... and mine has held-up like a champ.

I do agree that some of the shots taken at high ISO have been pretty sucky, but the ones taken at 80 to 200 ISO have been wonderful.

Sometimes the auto-focus has trouble figuring-out complicated settings, especially when a little dark, but for the most part I have enjoyed the heck out of mine. Like anything else, it depends on what your purposes are, and how prone you are to complain over faults or to enjoy advantages.

For me, my complaints have been very minor and my enjoyment of the camera very major


PS: You are the first person I have ever seen to call the Nikon D300 "a minor upgrade" to the D200. Every other author I have read has gushed over the D300 as a dramatic upgrade. So perhaps the problem isn't in the camera it's in your expectations  
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You take nice photos,BUT here comes the BAD part..."I have dropped it (both intentionally and unintentionally), left it in the rain"
What do you expect? It died.I can see why now.I have one, and baby all my gear.
You had me scared because I thought mine was going to die before it's time.You have showned me that my G9 is great, because of your bug shots.But maybe you should look into a RUGGEDIZED Camera.Or at least something with a "ROLLBAR" or maybe Armorcoat.I think that is some type of rubber like jacket for cameras.


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G9 Died, What Now?
« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2008, 07:02:50 pm »

You take nice photos,BUT here comes the BAD part..."I have dropped it (both intentionally and unintentionally), left it in the rain"
What do you expect? It died.I can see why now.I have one, and baby all my gear.
You had me scared because I thought mine was going to die before it's time.You have showned me that my G9 is great, because of your bug shots.But maybe you should look into a RUGGEDIZED Camera.Or at least something with a "ROLLBAR" or maybe Armorcoat.I think that is some type of rubber like jacket for cameras.
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You have gotten confused ... this other fellow Bryan is the one complaining of the "death" to his camera.

My G9 is not dead in the least; in point of fact it is very alive and very well

My purpose in posting was to share a polar opposite experience with my G9: I have used (and abused) the hell out of this camera and it fires-up in a second every morning and works all day long

I have this camera with me every day, and I hike with it in some pretty thick woods out here and put it through a lot. I was sharing the fact I have done some pretty terrible things with this poor lil camera ... but my G9 has taken a lickin' and keeps on tickin'  

IMO this camera does not need to be "ruggedized"; it already is rugged as hell

Hope this clarifies!


« Last Edit: June 16, 2008, 08:47:11 pm by JohnKoerner »


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G9 Died, What Now?
« Reply #25 on: June 17, 2008, 11:14:53 am »

I'm skipping the D3 and the D300 and waiting for the next generation. The D3 weighs just too much for my taste. D300 just not enough of an upgrade from the D200.

Been shooting alot with the D200 since the G9 passed away. Forgot how responsive it is.

Anyway, I'm waiting to hear from Canon now, but if I have to replace, I may wait for a bit based solely on speculation that Nikon might intro a DX compact. I'm just totally dreaming, I know.
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Bryan - I have another thought for you, I just bought a D60 to take with me when I want to go lighter then my D200, which I also like enough to  keep for another generation to come out. The D60 is a great step up from the small sensor of the G9, yet pretty small and light with just a prime lens or the 18-55mmVR lens I got with it. Again, we are not talking D3 ruggedness here, but it is also a great backup camera....fwiw..


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G9 Died, What Now?
« Reply #26 on: June 17, 2008, 11:49:36 am »

I'll just keep waiting for the Sigma DP2.


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G9 Died, What Now?
« Reply #27 on: June 17, 2008, 11:57:15 am »

My Canon G9, which I've had as a carry around camera for the last few months has died, so I'll need to replace it. I was never really satisfied with the image quality compared to my D200, but I did like the lightweight and the good enough images and the RAW files.

So, now I have to replace it. I'm really debating if I want to spend the $500 again or buy something else. What else is out there that I should be looking at?
Bryan, the cameras I'd consider if you want RAW are the G9, Panasonic LX2, Ricoh GX100, and Sigma DP1.  If RAW and PSAM are not needed, then also consider the W300 and Fuji F100fd.  

The only one of these that can deliver tonality, dynamic range, and clean images without evident noise reduction at the pixel level to not disappoint relative to the D200, is the Sigma DP1.  In exchange for those qualities, one has to put up with a slow, fixed focal length lens, color shift in unbalanced light, a 4-5 second shot to shot time, poor in-camera JPEG engine, and mediocre LCD screen.  Yet I have no doubt that it offers the best image quality in a compact camera to date.

The LX2 appeals because of the unique 16x9 sensor and useful 4x zoom range beginning at 28mm equivalent.  It captures less detail and has poor corner performance compared to the G9.  Noise reduction is evident in the LX2 RAW files, whereas the G9 RAW files are more or less untouched.

The Ricoh GX100 is an excellent camera with very good detail capture and a unique 24-72mm equivalent zoom range.  It has come down quite a bit in price.

Replacements for the LX2 and GX100, as well as possibly for the G9, are expected in time for Photokina this September.  Thus if you don't need a compact right now, you might consider waiting.

I've done some comparative testing between the G9, DP1, and D-LUX3 (Leica's version of the LX2) here:
[a href=\"][/url]

« Last Edit: June 17, 2008, 11:57:33 am by amin »


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G9 Died, What Now?
« Reply #28 on: June 17, 2008, 05:37:59 pm »


You have gotten confused ... this other fellow Bryan is the one complaining of the "death" to his camera.

My G9 is not dead in the least; in point of fact it is very alive and very well

My purpose in posting was to share a polar opposite experience with my G9: I have used (and abused) the hell out of this camera and it fires-up in a second every morning and works all day long

I have this camera with me every day, and I hike with it in some pretty thick woods out here and put it through a lot. I was sharing the fact I have done some pretty terrible things with this poor lil camera ... but my G9 has taken a lickin' and keeps on tickin'  

IMO this camera does not need to be "ruggedized"; it already is rugged as hell

Hope this clarifies!

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Sorry I have ADHD and read too fast, sometimes.Guess I can beat mine too!Good to know it can take a licken and keep on tickin.


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G9 Died, What Now?
« Reply #29 on: June 17, 2008, 07:23:11 pm »

PS: You are the first person I have ever seen to call the Nikon D300 "a minor upgrade" to the D200. Every other author I have read has gushed over the D300 as a dramatic upgrade. So perhaps the problem isn't in the camera it's in your expectations  
Jack - I don't understand what you mean by my expectations; what I wrote is that the D200 is "just not enough of an upgrade from the D200." Do I need to rewrite post number 17 where I go into the fact that this is my opinion for the style of shooting I do, etc... and apply it to the D200? Please, understand that this is a rhetorical question. No answer needed. Frankly, I could care less if I'm the first person that you've read that wrote this. It's my subjective opinion and not an objective truth. And who am I? Just some dude that used to shoot all the time as a pro, but I've been getting out of that. I'm a dime a dozen, so why should you care? Please, understand that this is a rhetorical question. No answer needed.

Also, I could care less if you've beaten you're G9. And your experience isn't the "polar opposite" of mine; my G9 has simply died, which has given me a great opportunity to rethink the choice I made. I don't have an issue with the ruggedness of a G9, I think it's just fine. I didn't baby it. I didn't really treat it any different that any other camera. In fact, the first weekend I had it, it joined me on several ice climbs, including a 180 foot climb that we set a two rope top-rope on and were showered by falling chunks of ice all day long. It's been on kayak trips with me, backpacking, etc... That isn't the issue for this thread. So, please, no one get the idea that this thread is about that. If that is something that you're interested in, then, let's start a new thread and we can discuss how much we actually beat all our cameras and how tough they are. It might be interesting. The issue in this thread was what replacements should I look for. Your valid observations do nothing to help address the question that I asked in my thread. Anyway, I think that it has been narrowed down to three cameras: a G9, LX2, and W300. Can we, please, stay on target? Because, we've all seen where LL threads that don't stay on target end up.

If I give your post a charitable reading I think you're saying, "The G9 is fine in image quality, our experience is the same, and it takes a beating, which is what you need in your line of work. You should totally stay with the G9. I can't even believe that you're thinking anything else, dude."   Can I assume that you think I should buy a new G9?

Amin - Thanks for the input and the very nice article! Very helpful.

Don - That's a hard call. I'm not sure I want to go even that big. The more of you who suggest that though might get me thinking that way, plus, I would get to buy a new lens.

Anyway, thanks everyone. If you have other suggestions for cameras to look at, please, post them. Or opinions comparing the G9, LX2, W300, please, post those. But can we, please, keep this thread to those questions? Thanks.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2008, 07:25:26 pm by BryanHansel »
Bryan Hansel


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G9 Died, What Now?
« Reply #30 on: June 17, 2008, 09:01:43 pm »

BryanHansel said,
"Jack - I don't understand what you mean by my expectations; what I wrote is that the D200 is "just not enough of an upgrade from the D200.'"

No, you wrote the D300 is "just not enough of an upgrade from the D200." I saw what you wrote, Bryan, there is no need to repeat it back to me. I merely pointed out that virtually everyone else disagrees with you on the D300, and that I have really enjoyed an "alive" G9.

BryanHansel said,
"Do I need to rewrite post number 17 where I go into the fact that this is my opinion for the style of shooting I do, etc... and apply it to the D200?"

Again, there is no need for you to repeat yourself; I really wasn't all that interested in "helping you" to begin with, only in sharing my own experiences with the G9 with others on this forum (as well as in pointing out the divergence with reality that your opinion on the D300 seems to have).

BryanHansel said,
"Please, understand that this is a rhetorical question. No answer needed."

So you don't even want to have a discussion then? You just want to get online and say things to 'yourself,' basically

BryanHansel said,
Frankly, I could care less if I'm the first person that you've read that wrote this. It's my subjective opinion and not an objective truth."

What you might be surprised to learn is that I could care less about your opinion also. And not for a minute did I believe anything you've said here would qualify as "objective truth."

BryanHansel said,
And who am I?"

Well, based on your tone, I have a retort that comes to mind as to who you are, but perhaps I will take your cue and just "say nothing" at this point.

BryanHansel said,
Just some dude that used to shoot all the time as a pro, but I've been getting out of that. I'm a dime a dozen, so why should you care? Please, understand that this is a rhetorical question. No answer needed."

Again, you just wish to talk to yourself it seems. But again, please understand that I really don't care about you at all, I just wanted to post up my own experiences with the G9 in contrast to yours. You also might want to understand that I don't need your "permission to respond" either, and that it really is okay to let other people share their own experiences on "your" thread.

BryanHansel said,
"Also, I could care less if you've beaten you're G9. And your experience isn't the "polar opposite" of mine; my G9 has simply died, which has given me a great opportunity to rethink the choice I made."

Again, I could care less about you per se; I merely pointed out my much different experience with the G9.

Also, you again have a problem with reality. My experience "is" in fact the polar opposite of yours: your G9 is dead while my G9 is alive. LOL

BryanHansel said,
"I don't have an issue with the ruggedness of a G9, I think it's just fine. I didn't baby it. I didn't really treat it any different that any other camera. In fact, the first weekend I had it, it joined me on several ice climbs, including a 180 foot climb that we set a two rope top-rope on and were showered by falling chunks of ice all day long. It's been on kayak trips with me, backpacking, etc... That isn't the issue for this thread."

There are many "issues" in this thread, from your personal interest in locating the right camera for yourself (about which I personally have no interest), and the issue raised about the quality of the G9 product in general (about which I do have an interest). I merely focused on painting a different picture of the G9's quality as a camera from what you painted, and my target reader wasn't you, it was the other folks who might have gotten a slanted perspective based on your unique and unfavorable experience.

BryanHansel said,
"So, please, no one get the idea that this thread is about that. If that is something that you're interested in, then, let's start a new thread and we can discuss how much we actually beat all our cameras and how tough they are. It might be interesting."

You really have a "control freak" problem it seems. Why can't you accept the fact that other people might be interested in other experiences with the G9, and likewise accept that these kinds of discussion might crop up on "your" thread?

BryanHansel said,
"The issue in *this thread* was what replacements should I look for. Your valid observations do nothing to help address the question that *I* asked in *my* thread."

LOL, this is funny really

It also begs the question, "Didn't you clarify all this in your mind once before, when you bought the G9?"

BryanHansel said,
"Anyway, I think that it has been narrowed down to three cameras: a G9, LX2, and W300. Can we, please, stay on target? Because, we've all seen where LL threads that don't stay on target end up."


BryanHansel said,
"If I give your post a charitable reading I think you're saying, "The G9 is fine in image quality, our experience is the same, and it takes a beating, which is what you need in your line of work. You should totally stay with the G9. I can't even believe that you're thinking anything else, dude."  "

If I give your laughable post an even more charitable response: No, that is not what I was saying at all. Again, thoughts of you and "your next purchase" were not central to my posting here. Pointing out how much I liked my own G9, and how it has stood up to a lot of abuse, was the central theme to my own contribution. It was to show other viewers an opposite experience from your own.

BryanHansel said,
"Can I assume that you think I should buy a new G9?"

No, you can assume that I don't care what you buy.


BryanHansel said,
"Anyway, thanks everyone. If you have other suggestions for cameras to look at, please, post them. Or opinions comparing the G9, LX2, W300, please, post those. But can we, please, keep this thread to those questions? Thanks."

Well, since you asked so nicely this time, I will answer this question directly as best I can. It seems to me you have a problem with the realities of camera features within your limited price range. The saying, "Champagne taste with a beer budget," comes to mind.

If you are searching for all of the very best camera features available, I simply think you're going to have to set your sights a little higher than the P&S segment. Hell, you didn't even think the Nikon D300 was a worthy upgrade "for your purposes," so how in the hell do you think you're going to find satisfaction in a P&S?

What you are going to have to do, Bryan, is hit your hip pocket and get you a top-notch photographic tool ... or ... you are going to have to re-define those "purposes" of yours a bit to conform to the realities of your beer budget.

In closing, please understand that this is a rhetorical statement. No answer needed




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G9 Died, What Now?
« Reply #31 on: June 18, 2008, 12:12:33 am »

Jack, essentially, I'm interested in the questions that I asked at the start of this thread and those I asked about specific cameras. Now, please, let's move on and move the thread jacking to another thread, if that's what you'd like. Thanks.

Back to the normal thread, please.
Bryan Hansel


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G9 Died, What Now?
« Reply #32 on: June 19, 2008, 01:41:22 pm »

So far we have had recommendations for the D80, D60 and now from me the D40x  

I'm a mountaineer:more camera equals less food on multi-day climbs.  An important choice you'll agree.  I got a G7 and wide angle lens attachment when it was released.  It's still going strong, and for what it is, does a good job.

Missing RAW, I was all set to get a G9 when when it was announced.  My wife pointed out that a D40x and a prime lens might actually be a less weighty/bulky combination.  After crunching some numbers I discovered she was right.  

If you never need to go wide and like a 200mm lens, then my solution is not going to work for you.  But for many people I'm convinced it could be a viable solution.  It's worth looking into the D40/60.


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G9 Died, What Now?
« Reply #33 on: June 19, 2008, 07:04:56 pm »

I am finding this post an interesting read, since I am still searching for a high IQ carry around, and am tempted by the smaller form factor DSLRs. So keep posting suggestions  
BTW: While I understand the D300 being viewed as a major upgrade, I can also understand it not being considered a major upgrade by a D200 user, (such as i). It would depend on the type of photographs you want or need to make. I do not need alot of high ISO performance in my main digital body. I am a patzer, doing landscapes with it. Really cool machine though, and the automatic CA fix in the firmware is attractive to me.
What i would like though is high iso performance in a small, fast operating camera (carry around, street shooting, etc.). My search continues..........


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G9 Died, What Now?
« Reply #34 on: June 19, 2008, 07:21:37 pm »

I'd like to have anywhere from 24mm to 35mm on the wide end and around 80mm to 100mm on the long end. But, I could be persuaded to carry my 24 2.8 and something else - a 50mm maybe.

Anyone have a photo of a D40/D60 with a small lens on it next to a G9?

I wish I didn't live 2 hours and a border crossing from the nearest store that sells cameras.
Bryan Hansel


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« Reply #35 on: June 19, 2008, 07:53:53 pm »

Check out the Olympus E-420.  (Or E-410 if you can find one.)  The two kit set is pretty cheap and very small.

Edit: I forgot to add that even a small DSLR is gigantic compared to the G9 unless you pimped it out like Diane did.  (  Note that it is even bigger with the WA adapter.  I thought there was an external finder on it but maybe that was someone else.  I'm a little surprised that it doesn't have a custom paint job, a rear wheel that spins when the user isn't turning it and a shutter sound set to play la cucaracha.)
« Last Edit: June 20, 2008, 04:20:22 pm by DarkPenguin »


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« Reply #36 on: June 22, 2008, 09:50:49 pm »

I wish I didn't live 2 hours and a border crossing from the nearest store that sells cameras.

Ouch! No wonder you are having trouble making decision  

Good luck!


PS: I think Amin gave about as thorough a breakdown as a fella can give.



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« Reply #37 on: June 23, 2008, 12:15:06 am »

Ya, living in a remote location has it bonuses, like the beauty of the area, but convenient shopping isn't one of them.

Amin's breakdown is very nice. Really love it. I think it has to be a G9. And I'm going to supplement it with the new Pentax w60 for kayak photography. It'll probably suck, but so it goes.

Anyone use the G9 waterproof housing?
Bryan Hansel


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G9 Died, What Now?
« Reply #38 on: June 28, 2008, 09:32:47 pm »

Thanks everyone. I decided on a G9 again. Although, the 16:9 format really got me excited, so I've been shooting jpegs with it in that mode.

Bryan Hansel


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