Don't mean to flog a downed horse, but this morning I found that I too had been charged $.80 as an Int'l Tran Fee. So, I contacted the bank secure in the knowledge that they had screwed up, either intentionally or out of ignorance. But the very sweet lady swore that according to her records the fee had been charged by and sent to Luminous Landscape and the number she gave me to call matched the one on the separate listing of the $39.95 charge for the Lightroom 2 Tutorial. Does 905-547-5066 mean anything to you?
I don't think you guys have the time to fret over such things, but there is something out of whack here. There are a lot of $.79 and $.80 charges here that the banks can let their computers chase and to each of us individually mean very little, but somebody in this chain of events is accumulating a lot of change. I'll stop by my bank for a face to face and see what I can learn.
Bill in WV