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Author Topic: 1ds mk3 samples  (Read 19378 times)


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1ds mk3 samples
« Reply #40 on: November 26, 2007, 01:55:17 pm »

The photodo MTF test results have always seemed accurate to me, based on 20+ lenses that I have owned.  Unfortunately there are quite a few gaps in the testes - limited number of lenses that they have tested.

The ranked photodo MTF numbers at the start of  the search page are pretty interesting too!  Best lenses ranked by photodo MTF test at the bottom of the page. Not sure how to continue the list - a lot of 4.6's - in the new interface:

« Last Edit: November 26, 2007, 01:55:39 pm by mmurph »


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1ds mk3 samples
« Reply #41 on: November 26, 2007, 02:17:28 pm »

In reference to the earlier discussion about the AA filter, etc.:

Canon recommends fairly aggressive sharpening that works quite well for their previous 1 series bodies.  If I remember correctly, in the White Paper that came out with the 1DsII 2 years ago, they recommend USM of 300/.1/0 for base sharpening for the 1 series sensors.

Personally, I have never owned a bad Canon digital, starting with the D30 (not the newer 30D).  I never *plan* to upgrade, but the improvement in noise, Digix processor, etc. always pulls me in.     Same thing this time with the 14 bits, Digix III, highlight expansion, etc.

And, FWIW (not much ;>) I never really used a lens wider than 28mm in 20+ years working with film.  So the obsession with the superwides and the complaints about the wides (usually 24, 21, or wider) really has not affected me.  (I do still use 4x5 film on a Cambo Wide ,with 47mm, 65mm, and 90mm lenses for architecture on that platform though. MFDB coming soon.)

The 1DsII always had more resolutin and sharpness than I needed for fashion. I often needed healthy doses of gaussian blur on unsharpened imnages.  Horses for courses, as always, but some of the pre-release angst really doesn't affect 95% of the cameras potential users.  It will be great for most purposes.  



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1ds mk3 samples
« Reply #42 on: November 29, 2007, 11:39:16 am »

My Olympus to Canon adapter has just arrived from Fotodiox.

While it fits and I can focus to infinity, the action of attaching and removing it from both the camera and the lens could not be described as smooth. The steel on steel is a bit rough.

Otherwise seems OK.

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