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Author Topic: Adobe Camera RAW process versions?  (Read 427 times)


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Adobe Camera RAW process versions?
« on: November 27, 2024, 09:14:25 am »

Adobe Camera RAW process versions?

Is there a changelog that catalogs the added features and parameters during the evolution of the Adobe Camera Raw process versions?

I am asking because I recently compared the output of process version 3 to process version 6 in Adobe Camera Raw 17.0.

When I changed the default v6 to the older v3, I did not see any change in the available parameter choices, sliders, etc.

I expected some features to be greyed out, unavailable, or otherwise made inapplicable.

I did not make an exhaustive study so that I may have missed some details.

I am left wondering how all the newer capabilities would still seem available with the older process.

Perhaps I don't understand a process definition's specific function and limitations.

Can someone please share some insights and explanations that go beyond the basics?

Thank you!



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  • Andrew Rodney
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Re: Adobe Camera RAW process versions?
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2024, 12:12:46 pm »

 Thank you for the link to the pertinent and helpful information.

 Can you explain how all the extra sliders available in Adobe Camera RAW v17.0 will work with process version 3 (2012), even though the Adobe Camera RAW versions 7 through 9.11 that were contemporaneous to process version 3 (2012) had fewer parameter adjustments?

 I would appreciate a chance to understand better the relationship between the "process," which I assume occurs behind the magic curtain, and the Adobe Camera RAW adjustments, which appear to have a direct cause-and-effect function.

 Thank you!



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Re: Adobe Camera RAW process versions?
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2024, 12:20:23 pm »

Some operations will not work with older PV versions. When importing new images, you should probably stick with the latest PV. You may wish to keep older versions the same unless you decide to re-edit them with newer options. And yes, much of the PV is proprietary behind-the-scenes processing.
Author "Color Management for Photographers".
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