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Author Topic: Free File Upload Utility for posting images  (Read 5588 times)


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Free File Upload Utility for posting images
« on: January 19, 2007, 07:06:06 pm »

Free File Upload Utility

As an active forum user and wanting to have control of my images (on my server space), about 4 years ago I developed a very simple File Upload Utility for my own use that was linked to an permission set upload folder on my website. I placed a shortcut to the "FLU" upload page on my "Links" toolbar for easy access. It was very easy to click the link, upload the file and then use the url and file name to enter into the tags in my forum messages and replies.

. . . . . .  About a year later, I ran a photographers forum on phpBB software that did not include file upload ability. I adapted the FLU script to create a hack that was included in the message area that allowed anyone to upload to my server and then paste in the address where the image file was located.

Since then a 3d animations friend of mine who has a work group of artists, made good use of my FLU script just for the simplicity of it. Improvements were made as he required other file types than Jpgs to be uploaded. I then included the extension type validation. Also I decided it would be much easier if the "full path" of the image was returned to me so that I would simply have to copy and paste it into forum posts.

I haven't really changed much on it until a major upgrade yesterday. Previously FLU required 3 pages (including a text datafile to store file names) and needed manual customization of the location where files would be stored.

This new January 2007 FLU version is even simpler, slicker, and more adaptable. Drawing on the simplicity of my OnePageGallery, the new script is One Page only - and simply sits inside the folder where images will be stored. It auto recognizes the path and so one could have multiple storage folders by creating one and naming whatever you please and then placing a copy of the script inside the folder. The only thing that must be done (as will all folders or pages on a server that need to be modified), is right click on the Upload Folder (Directory)and CMOD it to the appropriate permissions setting (755 in many cases with shared hosting). You will then be able to upload files from wherever you may be by entering the address to the script (for security reasons the script does not have to be called index.php - can be any name followed by .php extension).

While the previous version included a file renaming function so that there would not be conflicts with onther files of the same name - this new version does the same but is much more efficient in using a unique time stamp to generate the file name. I have also included an option of appending the real file name to the end of the generated file name, just in case that is valuable for file identication. Also the default radio button can be set at the top of the page so that the most commonly used tag option is readily available.

After the file is uploaded, the full path to the file is returned and made available at the bottom of fthe FLU page. Any formatting tags are included in the url. Just copy and paste it into it into your message.


With Password (no database connection) for more security - have to login and remembers you with sessions (default user name is "test" and password is "test").
You can download the zipped file here: Free Download


Your server must have PHP installed - - - most do.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2007, 07:10:07 pm by robertwatcher »
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