I spent some time with the Focus Bracketing tool this past weekend, part of the new feature set for Phocus v3.6.Short overview is below in the link:https://www.captureintegration.com/ci-quick-take-hasselblad-tethered-focus-stack-in-phocus-v3-6/Thanks,Steve Hendrix/CI
Thanks Steve,The auto Focus Stacking for H4-H6 cameras is a plus for H series users.
Steve,Did you notice the focus stacking also works with the HTS? It does!
Given the HTS is manual focus on X and H series, are you saying the software feature can still command lens movement via the pass-thru contacts to get the required steps (or until hard near or far stop)? Talk about best of both worlds.
Yes, the software can command lens movements. I certainly hope this will remain the case. The last time a fluke in the firmware also permitted autofocus with the HTS combined with CF and H2F, unfortunately this was 'fixed' by Hasselblad after I mentioned it