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Author Topic: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine  (Read 151166 times)

Slobodan Blagojevic

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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #120 on: February 27, 2021, 07:28:48 am »

Actually, there has been a remarkable decrease of covid cases in USA since Biden assumed the office...

Actually, if you really look at the graph, you'd see the remarkably low level of cases under Trump, up until the election time, when Democrats ramped up the panic porn to win the election.


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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #121 on: February 27, 2021, 10:13:12 am »

Actually, if you really look at the graph, you'd see the remarkably low level of cases under Trump, up until the election time, when Democrats ramped up the panic porn to win the election.

It's purely physics and logic.
The virus didn't know and care about the election timeline, it was governed only by the transmission conditions. The dramatic increase in December and early January was due more to the Thanksgiving and Christmas travel and get-togethers, as well as to the reckless pre-election Trump's rallies and street protest crowds.

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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #122 on: February 27, 2021, 10:17:39 am »

It's purely physics and logic.
The virus didn't know and care about the election timeline, it was governed only by the transmission conditions. The dramatic increase in December and early January was due more to the Thanksgiving and Christmas travel and get-togethers, as well as to the reckless pre-election Trump's rallies and street protest crowds.

... therefore, the drop after the holidays is NOT Biden's accomplishment. Pure logic, my friend. You can't have it both ways.

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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #123 on: February 27, 2021, 10:21:16 am »

To put things into perspective...

A staggering 93% of all deaths from/with Covid are in the 55-85+ age group (in America).

A staggering 93% of all media reports concentrates on cases that otherwise are just 7% (this stat I invented, but not far from the truth).


Spreadsheet mine.

Alan Klein

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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #124 on: February 27, 2021, 12:00:16 pm »

;D ;D ;D

Due to which measure of his?

He's using the same people who counted the votes for Trump.


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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #125 on: February 27, 2021, 12:56:10 pm »

... therefore, the drop after the holidays is NOT Biden's accomplishment. Pure logic, my friend. You can't have it both ways.

Sorry, I should have said - physics, logic and incubation time. Incubation and manifestation time for the covid virus is 5-14 days.
It is true that in March 2020 the covid cases and deaths were very low. But under Trump's leadership they ramped up consistently and significantly.  The 3 peaks on the supplied chart fall on Nov 24, Dec. 17 and Jan 8 (the highest peak) - all prior to Biden's takeover. It is obvious that, even the Covid didn't like Trump. Miraculously (like Trump would say), the chart falls like a stone 5 days after the Inauguration day.

Alan Klein

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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #126 on: February 27, 2021, 01:07:01 pm »

Sorry, I should have said - physics, logic and incubation time. Incubation and manifestation time for the covid virus is 5-14 days.
It is true that in March 2020 the covid cases and deaths were very low. But under Trump's leadership they ramped up consistently and significantly.  The 3 peaks on the supplied chart fall on Nov 24, Dec. 17 and Jan 8 (the highest peak) - all prior to Biden's takeover. It is obvious that, even the Covid didn't like Trump. Miraculously (like Trump would say), the chart falls like a stone 5 days after the Inauguration day.
Who do we blame for 35000 approx annual flu deaths every year, year after year? This whole blame game for natural diseases is just political.  If a Covid variant hits us later this year, are we going to blame Biden for that?  Maybe we should stay locked down just in case?  After all, we wouldn't want him to get blamed.  At what point do we set aside risk and potential fatalities, consider harm to the economy,  and get on with our lives?   


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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #127 on: February 27, 2021, 01:27:14 pm »

Who do we blame for 35000 approx annual flu deaths every year, year after year? This whole blame game for natural diseases is just political.  If a Covid variant hits us later this year, are we going to blame Biden for that?  Maybe we should stay locked down just in case?  After all, we wouldn't want him to get blamed.  At what point do we set aside risk and potential fatalities, consider harm to the economy,  and get on with our lives?

Trump didn't cause the virus. But due to his ignorance, incompetency and procrastination he greatly contributed to the exceedingly large number of deaths in USA, and invariably even to some export of it to Canada. No wonder Trudeau can't stand him.

Alan Klein

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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #128 on: February 27, 2021, 01:34:11 pm »

Trump didn't cause the virus. But due to his ignorance, incompetency and procrastination he greatly contributed to the exceedingly large number of deaths in USA, and invariably even to some export of it to Canada. No wonder Trudeau can't stand him.
Canada has a huge Chinese population and loads of them visit Canada.  Blaming America and Trump for Covid transmission to Canada is way off.  Trudeau could have shut down travel from the US like Trump shut down Chinese travel to the US. Also, why is Canada so low in numbers of vaccinations?  Is that Trump's fault too?  This reminds me of American Democrat governors blaming Republican Trump when they are the ones making decisions about opening venues and how many people can assemble. Just exactly what is Canada, Canadians, and Trudeau responsible for, if anything?   


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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #129 on: February 27, 2021, 02:23:13 pm »

Canada has a huge Chinese population and loads of them visit Canada.  Blaming America and Trump for Covid transmission to Canada is way off.  Trudeau could have shut down travel from the US like Trump shut down Chinese travel to the US. Also, why is Canada so low in numbers of vaccinations?  Is that Trump's fault too?  This reminds me of American Democrat governors blaming Republican Trump when they are the ones making decisions about opening venues and how many people can assemble. Just exactly what is Canada, Canadians, and Trudeau responsible for, if anything?

Alan, as you may have noticed, I seldom use those silly yellow circles, since I address my posts to smart people, who can usually tell how it was meant. Just to clarify, the sentence abut Trudeau not liking Trump and covid export across the border was said as a joke. Both, Canada and US have had for some time now quite strict rules about crossing the border. Otherwise, I would be swimming in the warm ocean now instead of shoveling snow from my driveway.

Canada is indeed still quite low in numbers of vaccinations, but fortunately also much lower than USA in number of covid cases and deaths.
To answer your last sentence, Canada is partially responsible for Ted Cruz, who was born here. On the other hand, Jim Carrey who can't stand Trump nor Cruz was also born here.

Alan Klein

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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #130 on: February 27, 2021, 02:42:05 pm »

Alan, as you may have noticed, I seldom use those silly yellow circles, since I address my posts to smart people, who can usually tell how it was meant. Just to clarify, the sentence abut Trudeau not liking Trump and covid export across the border was said as a joke. Both, Canada and US have had for some time now quite strict rules about crossing the border. Otherwise, I would be swimming in the warm ocean now instead of shoveling snow from my driveway.

Canada is indeed still quite low in numbers of vaccinations, but fortunately also much lower than USA in number of covid cases and deaths.
To answer your last sentence, Canada is partially responsible for Ted Cruz, who was born here. On the other hand, Jim Carrey who can't stand Trump nor Cruz was also born here.
Little yellow faces sometimes help me.  Glad it was all in jest.  For a moment, I thought we'd be responsible for your hockey teams.  :)

John Camp

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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #131 on: February 27, 2021, 03:33:21 pm »

Trump didn't cause the virus. But due to his ignorance, incompetency and procrastination he greatly contributed to the exceedingly large number of deaths in USA, and invariably even to some export of it to Canada. No wonder Trudeau can't stand him.


Slobodan Blagojevic

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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #132 on: February 27, 2021, 07:09:03 pm »

Trump didn't cause the virus. But due to his ignorance, incompetency and procrastination he greatly contributed to the exceedingly large number of deaths in USA, and invariably even to some export of it to Canada. No wonder Trudeau can't stand him.

That is just pure unwillingness to accept even simple reasoning, parroting the party line instead. Is he also responsible for deaths in other counties? On a per capita basis, the US is somewhere in the middle.

It is a freaking natural event that is going to run its course no matter what we do. For that very reason the numbers are similar in the free Florida as in the fascist California. Austria and Serbia, to name a few examples.

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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #133 on: February 27, 2021, 07:12:04 pm »

Sorry, I should have said - physics, logic and incubation time. Incubation and manifestation time for the covid virus is 5-14 days.
It is true that in March 2020 the covid cases and deaths were very low. But under Trump's leadership they ramped up consistently and significantly.  The 3 peaks on the supplied chart fall on Nov 24, Dec. 17 and Jan 8 (the highest peak) - all prior to Biden's takeover. It is obvious that, even the Covid didn't like Trump. Miraculously (like Trump would say), the chart falls like a stone 5 days after the Inauguration day.

You keep bouncing between “it was the holidays” and “it is Trump’s fault.” Make up your mind and stick to it.


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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #134 on: February 27, 2021, 07:22:29 pm »

That is just pure unwillingness to accept even simple reasoning, parroting the party line instead. Is he also responsible for deaths in other counties? On a per capita basis, the US is somewhere in the middle.
I'm not parroting any party line. That was a rather nicely flowing sentence I made myself up (after I toned it down somewhat).

You keep bouncing between “it was the holidays” and “it is Trump’s fault.” Make your mind and stick to it.
I didn't say holidays OR Trump's fault. I said holidays AND Trump's reckless rallies. Perfect example of rule of compounding in action.

BTW, are you posting from free Florida or from Serbia?
« Last Edit: February 27, 2021, 07:34:17 pm by LesPalenik »

Slobodan Blagojevic

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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #135 on: February 27, 2021, 07:45:25 pm »

... BTW, are you posting from free Florida or from Serbia?

From free Serbia.

Got my first Pfizer in Thursday. No major reaction, just a bit tired the day after.

Alan Klein

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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #136 on: February 27, 2021, 07:49:06 pm »

Why isn't anyone blaming China?  That's where it started and that's where it was deliberately hidden from the rest of the world.  Why is everyone blaming the victims?  We're trying to do the best we can under a horrendous situation where you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. 

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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #137 on: February 27, 2021, 08:19:17 pm »

Why isn't anyone blaming China?

Do you mean for not closing down its "wet markets?"  Western governments and non-governmental organizations have been urging that for many years, but it's not just China: the markets where live animals cohabit exist in many Asian countries.  It's difficult to change ingrained cultural traditions and the only practical response to venues which breed interspecies propagation of pathogens in a global travel environment may be better preventative and therapeutic medical technology.


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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #138 on: February 27, 2021, 10:45:33 pm »

Why isn't anyone blaming China?  That's where it started and that's where it was deliberately hidden from the rest of the world.  Why is everyone blaming the victims?  We're trying to do the best we can under a horrendous situation where you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Most definitely, China is the culprit. But they don't want to argue.
Interestingly, they stopped reporting new cases and deaths. Did they reach herd immunity or how do you explain that?


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Re: Promising New Coronavirus Vaccine
« Reply #139 on: February 28, 2021, 01:37:32 am »

Interestingly, they stopped reporting new cases and deaths. Did they reach herd immunity or how do you explain that?
Well they reported 6 new cases today. No idea how accurate their reports are.

I guess maybe if you tell people to stay inside and they do because a soldier is outside with a gun and you spray the street with disinfectant from drones and by soldiers walking in a straight row down the road and nobody comes in or out then after after a couple of weeks it stops.

Most countries have have very few recent cases with much less severe approaches.
We have had two deaths in Australia since October.
Then there is the US which had more deaths today than most countries have had in total.
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