I agree that dying his hair in those extreme colors is silly. He mentioned something that he did it to show others that he didn't care what they think of him.
Regardless, he is much smarter than you and me combined.
He is smart but still young and hasn't developed the wisdom we all get, hopefully, from age. He's also been very successful but has only operated a few years in a very bull market in real estate and stocks. When everything is going up, it's a lot easier to pick winners.
One area I disagree with him is cryptocurrency. I don't think he understands that it has no intrinsic value from what I have heard him discuss about it. Now, you could make money from it working on the "greater fool" concept, that there's always another person willing to pay more than you did. But in the end, crypto is valueless, and you run out of fools to buy it like investors did in Beanie Babies. At least with fiat currency like the dollar, you can make wallpaper out of it. And you can always give your Beanie Babies to your grandkids.